I'm generally in favour now, but there are a couple of things I'd still like to explore first, please bear with me.

Having had the chance to review the new behaviour, I can't see any problems with applying it to current builds - I would expect it extremely rare to see a managed dependency in a build that also comes through transitively at present (and if so, it's probably the version you want). So I'm happy to make that exception to include it in a point release given the 2.1 code is alpha.

Back tracking just a little bit, though - I want to validate that this is the correct implementation method.

- is overloading the meaning of dependency management a problem? I'm almost certain we considered doing this around about the 2.0-alphas and it was ruled out, though personally I've always thought depMgmt should have behaved this way. - is this covering up for a lack of something in the dependency mechanism itself? eg., if we add proper conflict resolution and different selection mechanisms, would this be needed/removed?

My impression is that we'd still want this in the future, but improvements to the mechanism itself should reduce the need for it in projects. I just thought it was worth considering, since I thought it'd been ruled out for other reasons in the past. But other than that, I'm happy with it going in now.

As a last point, I'm a little confused about what we are actually voting on - as far as I can tell this is already the default behaviour on the branch? I must be missing something - what needs to be done?

Thanks for getting this done folks - it certainly has been a pest.

- Brett

On 17/03/2007, at 10:38 AM, Brett Porter wrote:


Good plan. This is exactly what I was getting at - but I thought we could already do this from the branch that the feature was implemented on? That's what I was intending to use.

I'm obviously having trouble grokking the actual implications of this - I was getting the clear impression this was going to break builds, but it seems that may not be the case from the ensuing discussion. So all I really want to do is play with it and see for myself at this point. I have some time later today/tomorrow.

- Brett

On 17/03/2007, at 7:35 AM, Mike Perham wrote:

The key question to me is: are existing 2.0.5 builds going to be
better or worse after this upgrade?  I would prefer to see less
speculation and more bits. Put out a Maven 2.0.6 snapshot that people
can try with their project and get reports from the people in this
thread.  If no one has problems, this discussion becomes a lot
shorter. If they do have problems, at least we have specific examples
to discuss.


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