On 2 Apr 07, at 8:37 PM 2 Apr 07, Brett Porter wrote:

On 02/04/2007, at 11:12 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 1 Apr 07, at 8:05 PM 1 Apr 07, Brett Porter wrote:

What was the final verdict on the velocity processing?


Is this documented on the plugin site somewhere? I wasn't able to find it.

It's not there as there are a few options that I'll offer as choices and when we pick that's what will be documented.


I can see this doesn't break a lot now because it's only properties, but I know the next thing someone is going to ask for is to filter ${project.*} which will break a bunch of docs. I'd still prefer the user make a conscious decision to have a document filtered (all they need to do is whack a .vm extension on the document). I also note the current site has an ugly exception during generation due to this, though it does handle the outcome correctly.

Will the site plugin be another beta release? Looking at the current JIRA, I think the 2.0 still represents a beta-quality release, where 2.0.1 looks more like 2.0.

Probably should be alpha, another thing that jumped the gun but another beta for sure.

Cool. I'll rename in JIRA.

Sure, if you haven't I can pop those in there and I will work on what I can. But I want to get the base doxia stuff out and people are clamoring for the site plugin so getting what's out now is more important but the time is consumed in running in all the older containers to make sure things still work. Which is how I found the container/api JAR problem.

Ok, will do.

- Brett

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