I definitely agree with the breadcrumbs on the left. I don't mind where the publish date goes as long as it's consistent (maybe bottom is more suitable/traditional).

For the links, I find them to be too noisy with all the subprojects. On the main site these were put into the left nav. I think these links are intended to be used for contextual links - how often are you on a plugin site and decide to go to Continuum? So maybe the main site contains those links (though I'd be happy to aggregate frameworks under one link to a subpage), but the plugin sites just link to the things relevant to that plugin (eg, the release site links to the scm site, as does continuum, etc). The breadcrumbs really look after the main navigation from there.


On 06/04/2007, at 11:03 PM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I will make the changes and stage the main site before pushing it out.

What are we doing with the links that are present on plugins but
not on
the main site? It seems to me that they should be the same in both
locations (either with or without).

I think it makes sense for them to be the same. What's the delta?

The plugins (not the plugins list page, but the plugins themselves) page
has all the maven tech on the right (Maven 1.x |Maven 2.x | Maven 2.x
Plugins | Continuum | SCM | Wagon | JXR | Doxia). It does not have the
"cookies" or "track marks" in the top left. They have the Last Published
on the left.
Example: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/

The main maven pages do not list and of the maven tech stuff. The
Published date is on the right instead. On the left are the track marks
"Apache > Maven"
Example: http://maven.apache.org/

It would make the most sense to me is to have track marks on all pages
in the top left followed by the publish date. Then have the maven-tech
on the top right. This presents a consistent navigation experience
throughout the entire site.

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