On 13 Apr 07, at 5:10 AM 13 Apr 07, ArneD wrote:

Hi everybody,

from a corporate user's point of view, I believe, the following points are

1. Corporate users want to be completely decoupled from what's happening on

No they don't. In my experience they have wanted to shield all their developers from central but generally still have someone who maintains a connection to central. Whether they mirror its contents inside their firewall, create internal repositories by running builds and turning local repos into remote repos for their developers, or using a proxy. All three are prevalent use cases.

That corporate users want something consistent and reliable is for certain, but cutting off the network effect that Maven provides is generally not desirable and defeats one of Maven's greatest virtues in that new things are immediately available for use. That we have bugs with the snapshot mechanism and not fully worked out patterns for versioning of parent POM and plugins just comes with Maven not being fully mature but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Many even don't want to proxy repo1 but instead manage their own
repository. This is especially true for build artifacts (but it is also
desirable for Maven plugins which currently would be a pain).

2. Many users don't want to make a distinction between Maven itself and the
Maven core plugins (compile, jar, ...).

This also not true in my experience. Core plugins are not distributed with Maven because we have consciously decoupled the lifecycle of plugins from the core because any plugins we house here may, in fact, be release two or three times between major releases of Maven and binding these versions in the core would be a bad idea.

Currently, when downloading the
Maven distribution, it is in a way uncomplete as even the core plugins are

That is intentional and won't change as the default distribution, but we certainly could provide another if necessary or better yet provide decent tooling so that it's very simple to setup Maven + a given manifest of tools you want for a development team.

In contrast, if you download Ant, for example, you get all core ant
tasks. Yes, it it possible to download other tasks from elsewhere, but what you get out-of-the-box contains the most important things. The same if you download the Eclipse SDK. It is not just the Eclipse runtime but instead a bundle of the runtime and plugins. It is good to be able to use new plugins by just declaring them (as long as you have a connection to repo1), but the Maven core plugins should be usable out-of-the-box, without a connection to

I don't believe this is what most users want. I believe they would be more interested in setting up a complete environment for their developers and bundling is not very help here. Someone has to manage how developers work behind a firewall and this person is generally the one who populates an internal repository. Some tooling here would be far more useful.

3. Many corporate users prefer to wait for stable releases instead of using beta versions. When using a stable Maven release, say 2.0.6, you should get latest stable (!) versions of Maven plugins. For example, you do not want to use maven-assembly-plugin 2.2-beta1 just because it has been uploaded to ibiblio. But: You want it out-of-the-box. The last thing that newbies want is to be forced to manually find out the latest version numbers and declare

This is why we are promoting the requirement of specifying versions in addition to making it easy to find out those versions. Many users want different versions and we can't accommodate every possibility but putting this power in the users hands you can do whatever you like.

We had the notion of a plugin registry which was used locally by a developer but not enforceable team wide. I think this is the feature people are looking for. Some manifest that can be enforced and used as a mixin so that we don't have to bake it into Maven yet something we can provide. But we're always going to get a cross-section of users who want one thing and not another which is why we generally decide something and make everyone do it as the overall benefit to the group is higher. If we baked in versions some would complain loudly "I have no control over the versions of plugins", or if we provided an override mechanism some would expect the manifest to win, or the POM to be dominant.

Again, ultimately what you want is what everyone wants. An easy way to have an initial setup, yet configurable, and provide rock solid consistent builds. And that's what we're trying to achieve. Making a static glob is not the solution.

To adress these issues, may I suggest the following:

- Build Maven distributions that include a super POM that declares the
latest stable(!) version of all core Maven plugins (i.e. the plugins hosted
on maven.apache.org).

That's not ever going to be baked in.

- Provide a downloadable distribution that is completely independent of repo1, i.e. a distribution that contains all Maven core plugins (in form of a pre-filled local repository, for example) in the latest stable version

That's entirely possible, and we could definitely do something like that if was deemed something of value by users.


- Arne
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