On 15/06/2007, at 12:03 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 14 Jun 07, at 5:58 AM 14 Jun 07, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:

-1 (conditional)

evoking the spirit of dkulp ...

1) The embedded maven-core-2.0.7-uber.jar has bad LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt files. 1a) The LICENSE.txt at the root of the maven-core-2.0.7-uber.jar is for JSch's LGPL license. not ASL.
1b) There is no NOTICE.txt file at the root.
1c) There is a META-INF/NOTICE.txt file, but it only mentioned wagon-file provider.
1d) The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF was built by me!? huh?

I'll fix these up, someone changed the shade plugin and I didn't notice (I believe xfire Dan when he modified it for CXF).

Leave poor Dan alone :)

The plugin in maven-2.0.x is pinned to shade alpha-4, so it's likely that it just doesn't have some fixes from the last 4 releases.

Aside: With this new uber-jar setup, can we include wagon-webdav now?

Not for this release.

I assume he was just asking if it was a technical possibility for a future release. I believe it is, but it would be great to know for sure.

- Brett

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