On 22/06/07, Kenney Westerhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, just looked at the code and it's a mess. Here are the problems:

* The isSnapshot method does a regexp on the version for the timestamp, and if 
it matches,
  replaces the baseversion with -SNAPSHOT. If it doesn't match, checks for 
  So this method changes the baseversion on some occasions.

* The above means that calling isSnapshot on an artifact with baseversion 
  considered a snapshot IFF the baseversion is not timestamp-resolved yet.
  So, it'll return true for non-timestamp resolved artifacts, but
  it'll return false if they have. This is because the regexp checks for 
  so the timestamp has to be preceded by '-'.

* LATEST is also considered a snapshot, if the version has not been resolved. 
If it has been resolved
  to a real version (1.0 for instance), it won't be a snapshot. I'm not sure if 
this is a problem,
  if only snapshots are considered in resolution. Shouldn't LATEST resolve to 
  Ah, they do: AbstractVersionTransformation:

        // Don't use snapshot metadata for LATEST (which isSnapshot returns 
true for)
        if ( !artifact.isSnapshot() || Artifact.LATEST_VERSION.equals( 
artifact.getBaseVersion() ) )
            metadata = new ArtifactRepositoryMetadata( artifact );
            metadata = new SnapshotArtifactRepositoryMetadata( artifact );

  This needs to be fixed - i'm sure there's a reason for LATEST being treated 
like snapshots at some
  places, and not at later places. As soon as LATEST is resolved it's no longer 
a snapshot, surely this
  causes problems?

* There are multiple methods for version modification/retrieval:

  * resolved version (setter only - sets version)
  * version (sets version, baseversion, and versionrange; gets version)
  * base version (sets base version, gets baseversion or version if baseversion 
  * version range (sets versionrange, and sets version and baseversion either 
to null or a recommeded version; gets versionrange)
  * available versions
  * selectVersion (sets version and baseversion)
  * updateVersion (sets version and file)

  These can be set independently and can result in an inconsistent state. 
Documentation lacks to describe
  which you can and which you cannot call in what sequences.

* isRelease is a boolean that has nothing to do with versions. I'd figure that 
if something wasn't a snapshot,
  it'd be a release. Guess not. Or maybe it is, but then the logic is someplace 

Simplifying this should make a whole lot of difference.

For now, we should update the setters to immediately update baseversion to 
so that even when you don't call isSNapshot, getBaseVersion is ok. Just 
updating setBaseVersion isn't enough,
but it's a start. If you do setBaseVersion(timestamp) it'll discard the real 
value and replace it with -SNAPSHOT.

Ideally I'd like to NOT use the regexps to find out if something is a snapshot, 
but use the repository
metadata for that. Maybe some company uses timestamps for releases, who knows..

I noticed some of this madness when I was reading the code recently
and am certainly +1 on cleaning up the API and writing some Javadoc.


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