Cool, thanks I will take a look. The only comment I would make is that all the categories on the bottom of that page can be merged into the list of the main body of the page.

We also need to represent sub-categories. For example Pom::Encoding which was there but seems to be gone. In the proposals pages for example can use the categories to link together proposals. Like the work Herve is doing to clean up all the XML encoding.

I'll take another look too, but it's lookings good. The two column layout looks much better.

On 3 Jul 07, at 6:12 PM 3 Jul 07, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I merged all the real documents into the first page (1) and then
deprecated the old one (2) by removing it from home and adding a
comment/link to (1). I also moved everything into a table format to make
it easier to digest.

I feel like we could break some categories down a little further but
only a few categories currently have enough documents to make it worth
while. We seem to have a hodge-podge of docs in here: half complete
thoughts, references to the maven site, design artifacts from 2.0 and
2.1 etc. If this is just supposed to be a full list of all docs, then
maybe it's ok, but it makes me wonder if keeping the maven site urls are
needed (either we keep them and make a more complete list, or just get
rid of them all together)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 7:30 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Merging Taxonomy pages

Hi all,

I'm going to work on merging the two existing Taxonomy pages into a
consistent view:



Any input is welcome, or you can wait until I think I'm done and then
yell at me ;-) I can take either.



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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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