I've been working on generating XCode project files for C++ compilation for the last few days and think I have enough in place that I could likely branch maven-idea-plugin to generate XCode project for Java projects in fairly short order. I searched but I could not see any existing XCode project generation plugin, but if I somehow missed it, let me know.

XCode maintains its project description as a property list and writes the project description using Cocoa's old-style ASCII property list format inherited from NextStep. However, it seems to have no problem reading a project description written in XML (which it then writes back old-style when XCode closes). The approach would be to populate a java.util.Map with the project description and then write the corresponding XML file using a javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformer.

Anything I should know about maven-idea-plugin before I get started or is there a better starting place?

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