Would be really nice to have a shared/common module and components to handle filtering in the same manner as the maven-resources-plugin, or really, perhaps with even more control over which tokens are used and which keys are replaced too.

It is a very common need, and some times folks revert to using Velocity to handle this, which doesn't really perform the same replacement as Maven would, and can cause other problems.

I'm a big +1 to having a separate shared/common module that abstracts this functionality for re-use in other plugins.


On Aug 6, 2007, at 2:56 AM, Stephane Nicoll wrote:


I'm wondering if anyone was working on sharing the resources filtering
capabilities. Lots of plugin actually use this (war, ear, assembly,

I'd like to know if there is any way to exclude some token explicitly
when filtering. Let's say I have something like ${project.artifactId}
- ${project.version} in some resource that is being filtered. I'd like
to keep the ${project.artifactId} as is and only replace
${project.version}. Is there any way to do this?


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