You could write the rules in an XML file, the default of which is in the artifact jar, but allow for a java system property to provide a location to an overriding xml rules file at runtime.


On Aug 14, 2007, at 8:30 AM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Sure. I've been thinking that the standard rules should come out of the
plugin into a separate module too. The thing I'd ultimately like to do
is be able to release the rules separate from the plugin since the
majority of changes occur to the rules.

The problem is that I'd like to be able to default the enforcer to the
current ruleset at release time (for ease of use), but somehow allow the
users to be able to change the ruleset version if they wanted. I think
if a plugin sets a dependency, then it's not possible to override it
during use. Any ideas how this could be accomplished?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 8:09 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Enforcer Sources


Can we follow the same pattern we use for Surefire, and the Release
tools where they are all collected together under one umbrella. I was
playing around with the enforcer and then noticed I need something
from shared and looking at them together is hard, one being in a
plugin and one being in shared. Can we put them together and follow
the same pattern for a toolset?



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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