Now that we're getting close to a 2.1 alpha-1 release, it's time to
really look closely at what is going to be included in the final
release. In my opinion, it's been far too long between 2.0 and 2.1
(almost 2 years) and we need to get a stable release out sooner rather
than later. I think that we should set a timeframe starting and ending
soon (say starting tomorrow and going for 2 weeks) where we will collect
proposals for 2.1 in the wiki. At the close of that timeframe, we
review/discuss the proposals and select ones for 2.1 with an eye on
keeping the release scope manageable. I think a deadline is really
required to get people motivated to write up all their proposals. (I
know I've got a few itches I need to propose to solve and this will get
me moving too).


A first step towards this will be creating a list of all the
enhancements already made to 2.1 so the users won't propose things
already solved.





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