
Mauro is one of the most rigourous, dedicated and respectful developers I know. We would definitely be a better team with Mauro here.

On 4 Sep 07, at 6:35 PM 4 Sep 07, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Mauro is an existing Apache Committer on the Excalibur project
(http://excalibur.apache.org/team-list.html) as well as the mojo project at Codehaus. He has recently been working on the shade plugin currently up for vote to be moved to Apache. As he has demonstrated ability and we
can use the help maintaining shade and Maven in general, I'd like to
call a vote to add Mauro as a Maven Committer.

Vote will be open for 72 hrs.

Adopted Project Conventions for new Committer votes:

"The vote duration should be specified in the mail, but must be a
minimum of 72 hours (it may be made longer if there is a weekend or
holiday in the middle). Votes on committers should be accepted from all
committers on the project. There is no minimum number of votes needed
for a vote to pass. The vote is decided by the majority (simply add all
the +1's and -1's). Candidates can not be vetoed. Votes can be changed
any time while the vote is still open and will supercede the previous
vote by an individual. The vote should then be tallied, and if it has
passed, the process for adding a new committer is followed."




Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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