Frequent, fast releases sure would help - but I am not sure they are always a good idea, say (as many do) that an API break is needed in the alpha code - I'm not sure that should pass by on the fast track, it could cause problems with those in the wrong time zone not being able to comment.


On 10 Sep 2007, at 17:59, Jason van Zyl wrote:


For 2.1 I have been trying to lock down all the versions so that the dependencies are stable. When I need to fix something in classworlds, plexus, or modello, I just make the fix, install, test and if everything works deploy it and lock down the versions in the build and continue.

I would like to do the same with maven-artifact and get a little more agile, and not force people to use a snapshot. For alphas I think it would be acceptable to get 3 +1s from PMC members and then push it out. For anything in beta or beyond it's the standard procedure, but pushing out an alpha or incremental release just takes too long and it is in those times of flux that the bugs in the snapshot mechanism bite you. I think this will also force us to start changing things to what they are. Doxia for example should probably be a beta, not an alpha.

I want to be able to fix things in maven-artifact as using SNAPSHOTs is not good for external dependencies, but I don't want to be grounded for 3 days while I wait to release maven-artifact in order to pick up a stable set of changes. We can use timestamps too I suppose, but then what's the difference really. I just want to get the 2.1 release out faster. Maven artifact is simply no where near being usable for 2.1 and it's going to change as it will be one of the first proposals I will put on the table after the first series of alphas to fix the bugs, regressions, and usability.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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