On 13/11/2007, at 4:37 AM, Richard van Nieuwenhoven wrote:

I see different solutions, but witch one to take ....
- copy the sources and leaf them as untouched as possible (may be even
in a own source folder to separate them and exclude them from code

yes, they will need to be separate in this case - note that the EPL requires you contribute enhancements and fixes back to the author.

- extract the classes or sources at build time and include them in the
package as classes

this is likely a better alternative to the above, but remember you need to include the relevant license/notice if you distribute your code.

- completely rewrite the part i need (to remove the copyright)

you can't just "remove copyright" and rewrite in place - if you rewrite it must be free of influence from the original.

- include the dependency anyway

that might be the best place to start, and use exclusions to remove the tree of deps you don't need.

- Brett

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