

On Nov 22, 2007 5:07 PM, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's that time again, finally. The RC's have been floating for a few
> weeks now and no new issues have surfaced. (the packaging issues with
> the uber jar have been resolved since the last vote)
> The release is staged at:
> http://people.apache.org/~brianf/staging-repository<http://people.apache.org/%7Ebrianf/staging-repository>
> The binary packages are here: 
> http://people.apache.org/~brianf/2.0.8/<http://people.apache.org/%7Ebrianf/2.0.8/>
> Release Notes - Maven 2 - Version 2.0.8
> ** Bug
>    * [MNG-2025] - POM is still not read using the right encoding
>    * [MNG-2045] - Maven can't compile against sibling test-jar
> dependency in multiproject (Test Attached)
>    * [MNG-2061] - DistributionManagement properties don't get copied in
> cloned executionProject while lifecycle fork
>    * [MNG-2254] - the encoding parameter in xml declaration of POM is
> ignored
>    * [MNG-2277] - aggregating plugins in submodules of the reactor
> return all projects causing a chicken/egg issue
>    * [MNG-2593] - Maven 2 stumbels upon non ASCII characters in the
> value of a <localRepository> value in the $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
>    * [MNG-2685] - mvn.bat detection of 4NT syntax error
>    * [MNG-2932] - Encoding chaos
>    * [MNG-2961] - DefaultArtifact getBaseVersion is changed to
> "xxxx-SNAPSHOT" only if you first call isSnapshot()
>    * [MNG-3046] - DefaultArtifactVersion compareTo misbehaves regarding
> buildNumber 0
>    * [MNG-3077] - NullPointerException, if MojoExecutionException has
> no message
>    * [MNG-3084] - mvn.bat in maven 2.0.7 does not return the correct
> error code.
>    * [MNG-3095] - maven-plugin-testing-tools causes bad version in
> deployed artifacts after tests are run
>    * [MNG-3134] -
> DefaultModelInheritence::assembleDistributionInheritence should be
> childPathAdjustment aware
>    * [MNG-3141] - Build not working if pom.xml is a symbolic link
>    * [MNG-3215] - Missing rar artifact handler descriptor
>    * [MNG-3240] - maven-model RepositoryBase.equals() causes
> ClassCastException
>    * [MNG-3245] - Maven Reporting API is binary incompatible in
> 2.0.8-SNAPSHOT by r579987
>    * [MNG-3254] - artifactId is not appended any more in
> distributionManagement.site.url in multi modules when it's not defined
> in a child
> ** Improvement
>    * [MNG-2188] - Report mojos should check canGenerateReport() when
> called directly
>    * [MNG-2290] - Generated URLs in POMs of child modules
>    * [MNG-3024] - Missing artifact error text improvement
>    * [MNG-3047] - DefaultArtifactVersion compareTo inconsistent with
> equals
>    * [MNG-3062] - Allow access to mojoExecution from within plugin.
>    * [MNG-3118] - Test-classes should come before classes in the
> classpath
>    * [MNG-3152] - Change to plugin testing harness to allow the setting
> of ArtifactRepository on the ArtifactStub
>    * [MNG-3201] - org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject needs a
> toString()
> ** New Feature
>    * [MNG-2105] - Enable remote debugging command line option (+ docs)
>    * [MNG-2166] - Provide the help listing as default when no arguments
> are provided
> ** Task
>    * [MNG-3088] - update the assembly name
> ** Wish
>    * [MNG-3207] - Order of repositories for download should be inverted
> if Archiva is used.
> Vote is open for 72hrs
> +1

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