i do not think anybody want to change the repository:


Just that the artifactId may include a part of the groupId


I know now that that me have the osgi-id problem, but we have also the
grown average use factor to consider. I think we can live with long
names. In this case i see no problem stripping the "org" from the
artifactId so the id is:


This way we can survive till the moment where there is only an id left
and no more groupId or artifactId. Relocations can then be used for a
smooth transition.

So can we find a way to suit both sides?
- keep the tools we have running
- move to a unique id


Carlos Sanchez wrote:
> As I said before it's easier to add the new bundles using
> id=groupId+artifactId than to change the whole repo so artifactId can
> be used as id
> You have to consider that the repository is not only for Maven users
> On Nov 28, 2007 7:51 PM, Max Bowsher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Carlos Sanchez wrote:
>>> On Nov 28, 2007 6:40 PM, Richard van Nieuwenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> The reason for me is that eclipse is the source of the jars and eclipse
>>>> does repeat the group name in the jar name.
>>>> It looks very strange to have 10 different jars in the classpath all
>>>> called "resource.jar". And what would happen when you need to package
>>>> the jars together in a directory (ear, war, standalone tool). What would
>>>> the resulting MANIFEST.MF look like.
>>> plugins (war, ear,...) should support and even make it the default, to
>>> package the jars using the full group+arifact id, because using just
>>> the artifactId has limitations. What happens now if you have 2 jars
>>> with same artifactId and version in a war? they overwrite each other
>> That might make a lot of sense for the future, but it really isn't the
>> current state of plugins and people's general expectations.
>> For that reason, I submit that it would be a mistake to add a large
>> collection of jars to the central repository in a way highly likely to
>> cause confusion and name clashes.
>> I have to say that there's a certain pleasant simplicity to using plain
>> artifactId names - it's certainly vastly easier to look at a lib
>> directory and quickly understand what's in there. In the vast majority
>> of projects there will be no clash at all, given the current tendencies
>> of choosing artifactIds.
>> I'd even go so far to suggest that a sort of ad-hoc standard has grown
>> up of choosing an artifactId of what the originating project would
>> reasonably call the jar in the absence of Maven (subject to
>> conventionally allowed characters), and then prepending a suitable
>> groupId to ensure global uniqueness. If those rules are followed then
>> org.eclipse.core.resources_3.3.0.whatever.jar does quite reasonably map
>> to artifactId=org-eclipse-core-resources, groupId=org.eclipse.core.
>> Max.

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