On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have been scratching my head on this one for awhile.

We have an applet which the class files are packaged up into a JAR file.
This JAR file is then packaged up inside a WAR file which then gets
packaged in an EAR file so that it can be deployed onto Websphere
Application Server 6.1 (our web app server).
Now in order for the JAR file to be seen on the clients end (not on the
web server we are deploying the war file to), the JAR file must not live
inside the "WEB-INF\lib" directory. The JAR file must sit inside the root
directory of the WAR. This allows the user to access the JAR file and
download it to their PC
instead of the JAR file being processed server sidedly so that they can
access the JAR that has the applet and run the applet client sidedly.

A few approaches are available:

*In code: The file is available on the classpath - you could load it from there

*A copy job: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/copy-mojo.html

David J. M. Karlsen - +47 90 68 22 43

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