On 5-Apr-08, at 3:13 PM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:
Jason van Zyl wrote:
You don't need a 72 hour vote, I would try it in a branch first and then
get people to look at it.

Just wondering: If I would fill in JIRAs for each affected plugin to request
a) adding an encoding parameter if not already existent
b) making this parameter default to Latin-1
would we start branches on the plugins for each of these issues?

I mean this proposal is not about a revolutionary new feature, it's merely the attempt to create a guideline for consistent encoding handling in the various source processing plugins. More precisely, we're seeking consensus
a) the core team will eventually introduce a new POM element for this in Maven 2.1, named project.build.sourceEncoding or whatever we agree upon

I specifically meant the core changes, but I would still recommending what Milos did which was to create branches for a few of the affected plugins to try it all together. Most certainly to test new elements in the POM you need to use a branch because we still don't have a strategy for dealing with model changes.

If plugins can be changed, used with the existing versions of Maven with no disruption then do it in-situ.

b) in the meantime, Maven 2.0.x will define an equally name property for
  this in its super POM
c) it's OK to have Latin-1 as default encoding rather than the platform

Also, this is not going to be a code change that plops out one day as a huge
merge back into trunk. Rather, it's an incremental process where the
required improvements to plugin X can be made independently of the
development on plugin Y.

For example, MPLUGIN-101 and MINVOKER-30 already have patches for this topic pending. Is it really expected to open a branch, apply the patches to the branch and merge back (the same day) instead of applying them directly to
trunk? Do I underestimate this?


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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

the course of true love never did run smooth ...

-- Shakespeare

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