On 28-Apr-08, at 8:55 AM, Brett Porter wrote:
I responded a few days ago - maybe it got drowned out. You need to file a request at codehaus, because AFAIK no one here has karma.

Anyone who's listed there and on the PMC has karma:


Signup, a despot approves. Doesn't really get much easier then that.

Let me reiterate my preference to move these spaces to the Apache instance that is working just fine for other projects :)

- Brett

On 28/04/2008, at 11:45 PM, nicolas de loof wrote:

no one with admin karma ?

2008/4/28 nicolas de loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Can someone give me write-permission on MAVEN space on maven wiki (

In the same time, what's the (historical ?) reason this docs, and the Jira
instance for apache maven is hosted on codehaus ?


Brett Porter

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

A party which is not afraid of letting culture,
business, and welfare go to ruin completely can
be omnipotent for a while.

-- Jakob Burckhardt

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