Are there any tools like jaxb that work with relaxng?

To the best of my knowledge, there are not (for java). The language "binding" frameworks for RelaxNG that I have seen generally involve annotating the RelaxNG grammar with explicit hints about how to map schema elements to object model elements in the target language...

Where I work, we have a proprietary XML binding framework (yes, I know, another one...) that uses RelaxNG, and I have preliminary authorization to release it as an open-source project on Codehaus -- I just need to get the final sign-off from the lawyers, and I'll be sharing it out. (and we do have a track record of doing this -- the same company has allowed us to release Atomserver - - so, I believe that we truly will be releasing this in weeks not months, if there is interest...)

Anyways, the technique that we use for this framework is a little different than most other frameworks out there - I'll outline it quickly here:

the primary way you define your object model is by writing java interfaces - they should use the standard JavaBeans conventions for getters/setters. You can annotate the getters with annotations that specify how the property should be handled in XML:

public interface Car {
  Long getId();
  void setId(Long id);

  String getMake();
  void setMake(String make);

  String getModel();
  void setModel(String model);

  @CollectionElement(itemName="option", occurs = Occurs.ANY)
  List<String> getOptions();
  void setOptions(List<String> options);

you put all of the interfaces for one object model into the same java package, and then you run the IBeans (short for interface-beans) compiler on the package -- it generates an "implementation" package that contains implementations for all of the bean interfaces (trivial boilerplate code...) and a STAX marshaller/unmarshaller (using woodstox under the covers) for each type. The compiler also generates a RelaxNG grammar for the object model, that follows the same rules laid out by the annotations.

At compile-time, you are only dependent on the IBeans runtime library and your interfaces - NOT the generated package (you need to know the NAME of the package) - so, for IDE support, it's great - you can truly treat the generated code as an artifact of your build process:

IBeans ibeans = new IBeans("");
Car car = ibeans.newInstance(Car.class);
car.setOptions(Arrays.asList("chrome", "cd changer"));
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
ibeans.marshallDocument(car, Car.class, writer);

Currently, the compiler outputs java source that must then be compiled and put into the classpath at runtime -- one of the big features I'd like to do in the next major release is to give the IBeans class a custom classloader, and have it generate the bean implementations and XML marshalling/unmarshalling code on the fly - so there IS no jar of implementation classes... the only thing on the main application classpath is the ibeans runtime and the compiled, annotated interfaces...

FWIW - we built this framework because we really didn't find that any of the existing binding frameworks out there quite supported all of our needs, which were:

1) we have a lot of different schemas to maintain, and they evolve fairly rapidly, so minimalizing the amount of code required to define the schemas and their binding to objects was a must 2) most of these schemas define APIs to web services, and we don't have total control over the upgrade paths of clients, so we needed very flexible formats that allow us to roll out new features for some clients, without breaking clients who aren't ready to move 3) these systems get a TON of traffic, so XML marshalling/ unmarshalling had to be as fast as possible

with IBeans, we only maintain ONE representation of the object model (the annotated interfaces) and there is no separate binding representation. By using STAX and RelaxNG, we can easily have very open formats that are tolerant of clients changing the order of things, etc, while still validating the things that we really care about. Finally, by doing our unmarshalling of XML with a custom- crafted STAX parser for each type, we know that we can both parse and validate any document in a single pass through the parser.

anyways - that's probably enough of this for the maven list! If there's interest in IBeans for potentially being used by maven to manage the POMs, a post or two to that effect on this list might help me get the legal deal expedited at work. If people have interest in IBeans in general, email me offline and I'll let you know when I get the package out in the wild. thanks!

 - Bryon

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