Here are a bunch of other comments:

1. Clirr reports 2 errors. Are they something we need to handle?

2. Checkstyle, CPD and PMD reports show a couple of issues, but nothing that prevent a release.

3. L10n Status doesn't look as good as it should. We currently don't have a localization freeze in our release plan, but I think we should. Anyway it shouldn't hold up this release.

4. Dependencies report, not the report for this particular plugin but in general. Nothing critical, but would be nice to see them fixed. Can wait for a patch release a bit later.

4.1 Under the heading "Licenses". The collections of artifacts using a particular license needs to be changed into a Set to avoid the duplicates that are currently in there.

4.2 Under the heading "Dependency File Details" the sizes for the jars are listed in "Ko" and "Mo". I vaguely remember seeing such abbreviation before. Do they come as part of a standard? Are we better off using the more widely used KB and MB instead?

4.3 Under the heading "Dependency Repository Locations". When I used the new version on Maven One Plugin from trunk I don't get a download link for the SNAPSHOT dependency org.apache.maven.shared:maven-model-converter:jar:2.3-SNAPSHOT even though there is a column for the "apache.snapshots" repo. Is that expected?

Vincent Siveton wrote:

We solved around 65 issues:

There are still a couple of issues left in JIRA:

Staging repo:

Staging site:

Guide to testing staged releases:

Vote open for 72 hours.

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Dennis Lundberg

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