On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Mauro Talevi
> Milos Kleint wrote:
>> please, please, let's not add anything else to trunk (2.1) and
>> stabilize it. I've been waiting for a stable embeddable version for 2
>> years and with the number of work (complete rewrites  of everything)
>> in the branches, a stable maven.next looks years ahead again.
>> Not having an embeddable maven that works in the IDE integrations
>> hurts the adoption and trust of users.
> Milos, isn't just a case of renaming trunk/2.1 to trunk/3 ?

well, the version number itself is of little interest to me, but I see
a lot of people cooking new stuff at branches. I suppose the intention
is to get this code into trunk. The question for me is wheher it gets
into trunk before the maven.next is released or after (be it 2.1 or
3.0 ). The maven.next that's interesting to me is the version that is

> Also cutting an alpha or beta would enable IDE devs to work to that without
> having sleepless nights about stabilisation.

Well, if the alphas and betas get cut from a stable branch that will
ultimately become the next final release, I'm cool with it.


> Cheers
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