I think that is the issue

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 9:37 PM, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Maybe I misunderstood what Benjamin is saying but I believe I've run into
> this also... IIUC the situation is that the plugin and its parent pom are in
> totally unrelated svn locations and _not_ including the svn tag in the
> plugin results in _completely incorrect and meaningless_ scm info in the
> generated site.  So again IIUC the only plugins that are dealing with it
> correctly are those that include the correct svm info explicitly.
> parent pom at <>/tags/parent-1/pom.xml
> plugin at <>/trunk/foo-plugin/pom.xml
> No way to navigate from plugin to parent AFAICT or deduce plugin's scm
> location from the parents.
> I thought leaving out the scm tag only works when the entire set of maven
> projects was released at once with a fixed relationship between parent and
> sub-projects.
> Am I missing something?
> thanks
> david jencks
> On Aug 11, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
>  It sounds more like problems in particular plugins. Restating the SCM URL
>> is a bad thing and we should make it so that it can be used reliably. If
>> certain plugins are not dealing with it correctly then those need to be
>> fixed soon.
>> On 11-Aug-08, at 11:41 AM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:
>>  Brian E. Fox wrote:
>>>  Seems fishy to me as well. We have inheritance for a reason.
>>> Over at Mojo I suggested adding <scm> several times for the following
>>> reason. Most of the time, a plugin inherits from a released parent whose SCM
>>> URL points to its tag, say
>>> repo/tags/parent-1
>>> Now, running "mvn site" on a plugin POM that just inherits this URL will
>>> deliver
>>> repo/tags/parent-1/foo-maven-plugin-X
>>> i.e. the plugin's SCM URL points erroneously to a sub directory of the
>>> parent's tag.
>>> This phenomenon is irrelevant as long as no snapshot sites are deployed
>>> from the trunk. During a release, the Release Plugin's tagBase parameter
>>> should kick in and ensure the assembled SCM URL is correct. Not sure how/if
>>> this is related to the problems Dennis described.
>>> Benjamin
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>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Jason van Zyl
>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>> jason at sonatype dot com
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> First, the taking in of scattered particulars under one Idea,
>> so that everyone understands what is being talked about ... Second,
>> the separation of the Idea into parts, by dividing it at the joints,
>> as nature directs, not breaking any limb in half as a bad carver might.
>>  -- Plato, Phaedrus (Notes on the Synthesis of Form by C. Alexander)
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