On 11/10/2008, at 9:36 PM, Barrie Treloar wrote:

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:40 PM, Barrie Treloar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The vote has passed with the following result :

+1 (binding): Oliver Lamy, Brett Porter, Stephane Nicoll, Vincent Siveton
+1 (non binding):

I will move artifacts to central repo.

I had the java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.jsch.ScpWagon with mvn 2.0.9
similar to

I used apache-maven-2.1.0-M1 instead.

Yep, it's also fixed in the latest stage plugin (which needs a release...)

However it is stuck on
[INFO] Running rename script on the target machine.
for quite some time.
(Is this expected)

This happens if there are permissions to be overwritten. Shell into people.apache.org, change to the location of the repository, and run the script by hand, answering 'yes' to the prompts to overwrite files. Then delete the script.

- Brett

Brett Porter

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