There's nothing presumptive about the fact that it HAS been deprecated in trunk for quite some time now. (since it was still called 2.1-snap)

The aggregator is full of problems and usually leads to recursive builds when you bind it to the lifecycle. A complely new concept is needed to handle this use case.

--Brian (mobile)

On Dec 4, 2008, at 6:19 PM, Nick Pellow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Brett,


I noticed that the 'aggregator' parameter for a MOJO is slated for deprecation in a future release of Maven.

Seems presumptive on the part of the author. It has both its usefulness and its problems, and it being superceded is likely to be part of a greater revision of the lifecycle rather than a one- off deprecation.

I agree. The @aggregator is certainly useful, and IMO the concept could even be extended to allow a user to specify that a specific goal should run as an aggregator. ie it would be great if a user could specify in the plugin configuration in the pom.xml that goal X should behave like an aggregator, or at least specify that goal X should only get run a single time at the executionRoot of the build. Does this make sense?

What should be used instead, to fulfill the following use-case:

- a multi-module project, which would like to assert something about the entire project at the very end of the build.

A concrete example is mentioned on our Clover Forums at!reply.jspa?messageID=257294857 . The user would like to only run clover2:check on the entire project, not on each sub-module.

@aggregator will work for your situation

The only other solution available today is to run the plugin from a separate module that depends on all the others (this is typically how dependency-based aggregation is really done in Maven).

Thanks for this work-around. I will mention that to the user.



Brett Porter

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