Two things I definitely want to highlight here:

1. This is not my process. I'm obviously interested in getting Maven releases out the door, and having them be of the highest quality we can achieve. This means there is no way I can be the gatekeeper on every release; I simply don't have that kind of time, particularly since there are plugins that need attention and like others, I have other responsibilities at a day job that don't always leave me time to head up these efforts. I appreciate the sentiment, of course, but this has to be a group effort with everyone dedicated to timely, stable releases.

2. To me, the goal of high quality releases starts and ends with test coverage. We are all capable of putting together very deliberate, targeted tests for the things we're working on, if we take the time to do it. What I'm getting at is it's not enough to apply a patch or fix a bug; the developer that introduces this sort of code also has a responsibility to contribute tests for the new code and any old code that it modifies. The idea is to prevent regressions, and validate our assertions, so we don't all look like horses' asses by saying something works when it doesn't...which is a sensation I think we've all felt in the past.

Whatever else we include in a particular Maven release, we should make it top priority to keep making net progress in terms of functional test coverage (not just the graphs produced by cobertura or emma). I think we hit a milestone with 2.1.0-M1 in terms of this, but we really need to continue improvement here. Benjamin's work in this department IMO is some of the most important work being done in Maven anywhere, and I applaud him for it.

This is how I think about new code changes: If it doesn't have a test, it shouldn't be included in a release. If the code it changes doesn't have tests, then it still shouldn't be included in a release.

My two cents...


Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 18-Dec-08, at 3:42 AM, Brett Porter wrote:


I did what seems like my bi-annual review of all the unscheduled issues today, reviewing and scheduling where appropriate. There's 10 left with open questions, and I'm making an early new years resolution to keep on top of new reports :)

Jason, Shane - as instructed I put all the reported regressions with trunk into 3.0-alpha-3. I expect some of these are already fixed so it would be worth a run through them before releasing alpha-1 to see if some can be closed out.

If they have an IT and they work close them. But I don't think we can close the issues without an IT which is why I've honestly not gone after them even though I know some of them work from observation. Benjamin might have some hiding out somewhere.

However, the main purpose was to identify reported regressions in 2.1.0-M1, of which we have a couple. So 2.1.0-M2 is down to about 11 issues including some patches to review. I updated the roadmap, moving Doxia to M3 as they round out the 1.1 release. I also moved the MNG-624 out to 2.2 (or beyond) while Ralph reviews his implementation.

Given enough time to wrap these up, I'd like to shoot for an M2 release by the end of the year. M3 and M4 could follow quickly since the work is already done on branches.

I think here again you need to defer to the massive amount of work John did for the release. As far as I'm concerned that's his call as he's the defacto release manager. If he wants to hand it off that's fine.


Brett Porter



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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They know it is going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically
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dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or
goals are in doubt.

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