
Although I can't help you with pde-maven-plugin (I remember some discussion here about retiring it, see [1]), I am working on another maven-based tool called Tycho that should be able to build Eclipse RCP applications. You can read more about Tycho goals and scope in [2] and RCP specific mini-howto is here [3]. You can also find couple of sample RCP projects we use in Tycho integration tests in [4].


Christopher Klewes wrote:
Hi, i want to setup my rcp project with a maven build. so first i want to build succesfully the example from the pde-maven-plugin site.

i started by downloading the following eclipse sdk and delta pack:

i read through the examples from pde-maven-plugin mojo and found a tutorial that builds a product.

this tutorial can be found here:

i downloaded this one: (if you want an SSCCE (

after i imported the project to my eclipse ide i have done som changes to and pom.xml to ensure the paths are well formed. (the name of the plugin is: test.pde_maven_plugin.simple_application)

now i tried the pde build to be sure its running without maven:

1) launch the application (SUCCESSFUL)
2) launch the product (SUCCESSFUL)
3) export as product and launch (SUCCESSFUL)

everything works fine! now i tried to do the maven install, but this failed:

D:\Programme\EclipseGanymede\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.0.v20080604\scripts\productBuild\productBuild.xml:25: The following error occurred while executing this line: D:\Programme\EclipseGanymede\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.0.v20080604\scripts\productBuild\productBuild.xml:53: Unable to find plug-in: test.pde_maven_plugin.simple_application. Please check the error log for more details.

as you can see, the pde build (i think) can't found the application i want to export, it seems that maven doesn't calls the pde build for the application first, it assumes that the plugin has already be there? if i change the maven packaging to jar, do the install, copy this jar to my target.env into plugins change packaging back to zip, do the install again. everything runs fine, but this isn't a great solutions or? in my pov i think this should be done by pde build? please correct me if i am wrong if you need more informartions just let me know -- or if you got time have a look inside the maven-pde-plugin tutorial.

thank you

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