It definately sounds strange to me, but without debugging through that code it's hard to say for sure.

Stephen Connolly wrote:

Brett, Jason, Benjamin, Brian, anyone?


2009/4/21 Stephen Connolly < <>>

    Came across this one while investigating

    This is a strange one...

    in versions-maven-plugin:

    We ask the ArtifactMetadataSource to give us a list of available
    versions... that is this method:

    This method creates a RepositoryMetadata object of type:

    This metadata object is passed to the RepositoryMetadataManager:

    Which asks the RepositoryMetadata object if it is a snapshot...

    but our metadata object can never be a snapshot:

    So the end result is that we never look in repositories which have
    releases disabled... not sure if this is a Maven bug or if we
    should be using a different method.

    i.e. if I have:

      <name>My Snapshot Repository</name>
      <url>http://my.repo/snapshot^ </url>

    then my-snapshot-repository will never be searched, but if I have

      <name>My Snapshot Repository</name>
      <url>http://my.repo/snapshot^ </url>

    then it will!

    Should I raise an issue against Maven or is this just a case of
    calling the wrong method.

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