Symlinks are needed by some frameworks we use and that need some shared
directories between several webapp.
/home was just a sample, in our case we have symlink to a share /DATA

When you run mvn clean and that you loose all your /DATA (many gigabytes of
data), I can say you that you feel strange !!!

I don't say that symlinks are a good practice, we try to avoid them if
possible. This is not always possible when your work in real world
applications with some constraints (frameworks, infra).

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Paul MERLIN <> wrote:

> Le mardi 05 mai 2009 00:12:55, Brian Fox a écrit :
> > Why would you have a symlink in your target folder to someplace
> important?
> Here is a quick example that came to my mind : Imagine you package a
> tarball
> containing such a symlink and that during the build you have to extract it
> to
> change something in there. Hop! you have a symlink to /home in target.
> /Paul
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