> > Are you using the release plugin?
> Nope! I tried it and came to the point that is no good for me.
> I also had a discussion with the developers long time ago
> and filed some feature request. Anyhow I still think this
> is the wrong approach for me.

Can you give more details about what doesn't work or doesn't match your

> >>
> >>
> >> Additionally the complete solution is quite simple
> >> and seems to be quite common sense:
> >>
> >> 1. Allow to omitt versions in <parent> as well
> >> as in <dependency> that is available in the reactor.
> >>
> >>
> > Omitting the parent is complicated. Ralph started an implementation but
> we
> > found some issues with it at ApacheCon. I don't think it's gotten beyond
> > that yet.
> I have read parts of this. I hope there is a chance to see this in the
> future.
> >
> >> You can use dependency management or properties to deal with omitting
> the
> >> dependencies. I personally never assume what will be contained in a
> reactor
> >> and structure my builds so that any module can always be built in
> isolation.
> >> Therefore, I can't see why you would want to omit the dependency for
> >> something in a reactor that may not be in the reactor all the time. The
> >> release plugin handles this for you when it's time to bump the versions.
> I see your point. But I am always building from toplevel.
> Anyhow I am also dreaming of a cmd-option in maven 3 that enables
> a mode where maven walks up to the loplevel pom (as far as locally
> available) and creates the entire reactor while still building
> just the module where it was invoked. This could solve the problem you
> pointed out as well as many other problems, e.g. to do dependent builds
> of local modules.
> Anyhow this would just be a feature that does not hurt and
> would not cause downward compatibility problems if assured,
> that install/deploy will fill in the omitted version.

The new reactor modes are in 2.1.0 that can do some similar things.

> >>
> >>
> >> 2. Ensure that omitted version as well as variables
> >> in <groupId> <artifactId> and <version> are replaced
> >> when a pom is installed in the repository.
> >>
> >>
> > Agree with this.
> Great. So I hope for MNG-2971. Anybody out there
> can let me know if this is just waiting for contribution.
> I might work on this one if it is just about that feature
> in the install-plugin. If there is some more general architectural
> change needed in order to make this also work with release-plugin
> and many others let me know - I might not see all possible problems.
> I think I also read some ideas about POM-Transformation in maven 3...

Some of this is already done in 2.1.0

> >>
> >>
> >> However I totally lost where we are and what is going on.
> >>
> >> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-624
> >> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2971
> >> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3267
> >> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2971
> >>
> >> I could not find the one to omitt version in <depdency>.
> >> Can anybody remember. Or do I have to open a new one.
> >>
> >> I can not really tell how hard it is to make this
> >> work, but be sure that we can make millions of users
> >> happy with this!
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>  Jörg
> Regards
>   Jörg
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