I feel like this is pretty low on the list of problems to be solved, but if
the allowed phases can be a wildcard, then I guess I'm neutral on the idea.
I think things like pom versioning are far more pressing.

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Jason van Zyl <jvan...@sonatype.com> wrote:

> On 22-May-09, at 4:36 PM, John Casey wrote:
>> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>> On 22-May-09, at 3:23 PM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:
>>>> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>>>  Or if the assembly plugin is truly a utility player then have no
>>>>> suggested binding. [...] I think the phase as a suggestion is probably 
>>>>> just
>>>>> confusing.
>>>> I don't think providing defaults like a default phase binding in this
>>>> case is confusing. It's just convention over configuration, isn't it?
>>> Changing a source directory does not change the behavior of a build. The
>>> convention for something designed to be truly pluggable. Changing the phase
>>> the assembly plugin alters the way it works. There is the weirdo magic, as a
>>> case in point, where depending on what phase you are in you might get a
>>> directory or an archive as a resolved artifact. Then you're starting to look
>>> for files or directories in your plugin ... so I don't think this is a case
>>> of convention over configuration here. I think a mojo is either designed to
>>> work doing a single thing in a single phase of the lifecycle, or it's a
>>> utility player. Assigning a "default" phase only to have it be changed by a
>>> user likely means the mojo has not been tested in this case and will more
>>> likely then not cause someone confusion or just plain not work. We could
>>> even do something like @phase package,install if you truly think something
>>> belongs and has been tested to run in those phases.
>> I don't think it's more intuitive to have this proliferation of new mojos,
>> simply to handle explicitly all the potential places where it might be
>> appropriate to use a particular piece of build logic. As it is in the
>> assembly plugin, we have five or more mojos (owing to legacy issues) that do
>> 99% the same thing, but they're named differently to handle the 1%
>> difference in logic. Actually, the 1% difference is now accounted for almost
>> completely in the shared code, so the 1% difference is a legacy notion as
>> well. Now, in your approach, I'll have to create at least several more mojos
>> to handle cases where people want to use the assembly plugin in different
>> phases. I simply cannot remove the '@phase' annotation, because in 80% of
>> cases the user wants to use a dependencySet which requires dependency
>> resolution, so providing '@phase package' eliminates configuration (by
>> providing a convention) for 80% of use cases.
> You don't need a proliferation of mojos, you would specify what phases you
> know to work. If you can account for a single mojo to work in multiple
> phases and cover all the different logic then you have a single mojo. My
> point is state what you do well, if the rest is unsure then Maven should
> stop. I'm not talking about what Maven does now, I'm talking about how to
> ideally stop users from stepping into a mistake. I like the idea of a
> default phase and allowed phases.
>> I think it's a mistake to enforce your assumptions about the quality of
>> tests and/or code in plugins. It would truly be a case of coding for the
>> lowest common denominator, and imposing a serious penalty on plugins that
>> have legitimate reasons for leaving the default + configuration in place.
> Coding for the lowest common denominator? How do you see a developer of a
> mojo who clearly states where the mojo runs because they've tested it and
> know this to be the lowest common denominator?
>>  The default value saves one from typing and also provides a hint (not a
>>>> restriction) about the major (but not the one and only) usage of a goal.
>>>> Hoping that we will leave some decisions to the user, not the tool...
>>>>  The decisions that can be made by the user have to be options that were
>>> tested by the developers. If the developer was truly responsible for writing
>>> a mojo and was somehow made to incur the cost of support then I'm willing to
>>> bet that they would limit how that mojo was used. I think it would be fine
>>> to allow a developer to specify all the phases the plugin is known to run in
>>> and then the user works within the known set of viable conditions. I think
>>> we need to be very realistic about what can be supported and I think this
>>> ultimately benefits everyone. If a system lets you do something then one
>>> should reasonably expect it to work. There are already complete
>>> free-for-alls for people to use and I think we have to consider allowing
>>> less but works exactly as advertised.
>> I'm all for this sort of documentation, telling users where a particular
>> plugin is safe to run. But let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater
>> here. There are cases where plugins could be used almost anywhere in the
>> build process (especially if they're not producing something involved in the
>> "main line" of compiling/testing/etc. the actual source code).
> That's if that's the case then they would have no default phase and be
> allowed everywhere. If that's the case for the plugin the contract in the
> mojo says that. Plugins that are found to have worthless contracts will soon
> not be used by people.
>  And frankly, there are also cases where some builds get pretty crowded in
>> certain lifecycle phases, and it's helpful to get a little creative with
>> phase bindings in cases where something has to happen "at some point" before
>> something else, but it doesn't necessarily matter when.
> I think this is indicative of other problems. If there is no clear place to
> put something, or moreover no clear way to order within a phase. Again I'm
> not talking about what we're saddled with now in 2.x but what the system
> could and should be like.
>> Of course this is a little vague, but that's the point; we cannot possibly
>> account for every single concrete build use case in the entire world.
> We don't have to, but mojos can certainly have tighter contracts and if
> something is not meant for a particular lifecycle that will also be more
> clear.
>  We don't have the infrastructure to document them, nor do we want to
>> engage in the endless rounds of releases required to support that extra,
>> marginal use case that walks in. We need to provide a tool that operates in
>> a declarative way at build time, but still offers users just enough wiggle
>> room to fit Maven responsibly around their own needs. Is this a balancing
>> act? Of course it is, and not all of the resulting builds will look like
>> elegant masterpieces of design. But the alternative is to tell those users,
>> "Sorry, come back later when we release a new version that accommodates your
>> use case." We have to try to do the right thing, but users absolutely must
>> have enough rope to hang themselves, too.
>> Tightening the usage of @phase will eliminate a lot of critical
>> flexibility here.
> We'll agree to disagree then.
>> -john
>>>> Benjamin
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>>> Jason
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>>> Jason van Zyl
>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
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> Thanks,
> Jason
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> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
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