I'm currently working with the book "Better Builds with Maven" and doing
some custom maven plugin development. I have a plugin I've created with the
following POM info.

> <artifactId>maven-buildinfo-plugin</artifactId>
> <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging>

You know how you can just type "mvn <pluginName>:<mojoName>" for many mojos?
My mojo has to run like this: "mvn
com.exist.mvnbook.plugins:maven-buildinfo-plugin:extract" where "extract" is
the mojo name. From the error I get when I try to run it like this 'mvn
buildinfo:extract" it looks like I could get it to run that way if I changed
the groupId of my mojo to "org.apache.maven.plugins". It seems rather
inappropriate to use this groupId myself? Is there another way to get my
mojo to run without having to be so verbose?

Thanks very much.

Tristan JC Rouse

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