The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Antrun Plugin,
version 1.4

This plugin allows Ant tasks to be run inside a Maven build.  See the plugin's
site for more details:

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Antrun Plugin - Version 1.4

** Bug
    * [MANTRUN-51] - Problems with multiple antrun declarations in multiproject
    * [MANTRUN-62] - line.separator property not passed properly to ant
    * [MANTRUN-104] - Documentation for referring to artifacts classpaths is 
    * [MANTRUN-139] - There is a problem with the site plugin preventing proper
site documentation

** Improvement
    * [MANTRUN-40] - Properties defined in pom <properties> do not propagate to
the antrun environment
    * [MANTRUN-110] - mistake in antrun docs: refid="maven.dependency....
    * [MANTRUN-126] - Antrun plugin should follow the more common pattern
groupId:artifactId:classifier:type pattern for dependency properties.
    * [MANTRUN-128] - Deprecate sourceRoot and testSourceRoot parameters in
favor of using build helper maven plugin
    * [MANTRUN-135] - Mark antrun plugin as @threadSafe
    * [MANTRUN-136] - Upgrade to ant 1.8.1
    * [MANTRUN-137] - Use ant-nodeps artifact instead of ant and ant-launcher

** New Feature
    * [MANTRUN-100] - Allow antrun plugin to attach artifacts to maven build
    * [MANTRUN-138] - Add version mapper to Antrun similar to the Maven Ant 

** Wish
    * [MANTRUN-47] - Provide FileSet references dependencies.


-The Maven team

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