Sorry, for the late response.  I'm running into a few issues building
the JBoss App server with beta-3.  I'm currently trying to narrow down
the issues enough to create small test projects/test cases.

The issues seem to be related to very specific edge cases, so I don't
think they are things to hold up the release anyway.  But I'll try to
document them in jiras and hopefully they can be fixed for the next beta.

Here are two issues I tried to narrow down related to the dependency

The order of elements on the compile classpath is different with this
release, is that by design?

On 09/02/2010 09:38 AM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Despite a few known bugs in the code, I consider the vote has passed
> with the following result:
> +1 (binding): Benjamin Bentmann, Jason van Zyl, Brian Fox, Emmanuel
> Venisse, Arnaud Héritier, Oliver Lamy, Kristian Rosenvold
> +1 (non-binding): Paul Merlin, Stephen Connolly, Tony Chemit, Igor
> Fedorenko, Baptiste Mathus, Oleg Gusakov, Marc Derricutt, Jeff Jensen,
> I will promote the artifacts to the central repository and continue with
> the release. Thanks for all the feedback!
> Benjamin

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