Are you thinking of maven-enforcer-plugin? I was referring to maven-plugin-enforcer! :-p *crosses eyes*

maven-enforcer-plugin is, indeed, a plugin; maven-plugin-enforcer is a Maven 3.0 build extension and NOT a plugin.


Brian Fox wrote:

Enforcer is a plugin with a set if plexus component rules...not an
extension. I would add this to shared, it doesn't seem to justify a
new tree and parent structure.

On Friday, November 5, 2010, Dan Fabulich <> wrote:

The maven-reactor-plugin for M2 served its purpose, which was to make it easier 
to build partial subsets of Maven projects in Maven 2.0.  In Maven 2.1, we 
added much of the functionality of maven-reactor-plugin as command-line 
arguments to maven: --resume-from, --also-make, --also-make-dependents.

There's only one feature left in maven-reactor-plugin that isn't already a native part of 
Maven; that's the "make-scm-changes" goal, which builds only projects that 
you've modified (according to SCM) and projects that are downstream of your changes.

That feature is really useful (it's quite popular here where I work), but it's 
also busted in M3.

Today, I've rewritten that functionality as a Maven build extension, which I'm 
tentatively calling scm-changes-maven-extension.  (But I'm not so happy with 
that name; alternative suggestions are welcome.)

It's checked in to sandbox/trunk/shared:

I'd like to gradually begin the release process for this extension; then I'd like to put a big 
"DEPRECATED" message in the documentation for maven-reactor-plugin, and move the m-r-p 
code into the "retired" bucket.

The key questions I have right now:

1) What groupId/parent POM should I use for this build extension?  The only other 
extension I'm aware of is maven-plugin-enforcer, which is in "shared," and 
Brett's retro-maven-extension, which was an incredibly helpful example. :-)

Should there be an "org.apache.maven.extensions" groupId to parallel 

2) Right now the code is checked in to sandbox/trunk/shared.  Is "shared" the 
right place for this code?  Is there a better place?


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