no screams, so I shall proceed

- Stephen

Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on the
On 25 Mar 2011 12:21, "Stephen Connolly" <>
> In order to simplify how Apache Cassandra gets deployed to Maven
> Central, I need a release of Maven Ant Tasks with two issues fixed:
> MANTTASKS-217 - Add a pseudo-reactor so that parent pom references can
> be resolved without pushing poms to the file system
> MANTTASKS-211 - Support launching Maven 3.x from the mvn task
> MANTTASKS-210 - When creating path objects using the dependencies task
> it is not possible to filter out artifacts by type.
> I'm good to go from my perspective. If anyone has blockers on doing
> this release I'll give you until Monday to scream and until Tuesday to
> get them fixed! After that I need to get this release out as Cassandra
> are running a code freeze on April 11th and these changes will need
> some soak to be accepted.
> -Stephen

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