Since my lame attempt at humor on the last thread led to some
confusion, I'll keep this relatively straight.

Consider, if you please,

For one thing, this report is marked as 'superceded by' another, but
it's still open. What's that mean?

For another, it wends it ways through various topics, ending up with a
supposition that the OP's original problem might have, in fact, been a
result of a more-or-less by design behavior. At least, a behavior with
the possibility of causing havoc if lightly changed.

Personally, I don't find this sort of thing helpful. I would give it
the same treatment as discussed in the other thread. Either there's a
concrete unwanted behavior, with a test case, or not. If there is, we
should endeavor to resolve it in a comprehensible way.

Other opinions?

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