My point is that if I pull down one of the AS module POMs from the repository, and it has a SCM element, those locations should give me enough information to checkout that module from SCM and build it.

On 7/14/11 11:20 AM, Paul Gier wrote:
Just to clarify, I see your point that inheriting from a generic parent
pom doesn't really make sense.  However, in these cases I sort of have
the expectation that I will have to set it for each new project.  The
part that bothers me is having to reset it to the same value for each
module of a large multi-module project.  For now, I'm getting around
this by just using my own properties instead of the main scm fields.

On 07/14/2011 10:13 AM, Paul Gier wrote:
I think inheriting it unchanged is fine for most multi-module projects,
even using SVN.  Thinking in terms of the JBoss AS build, releases
always happen from the root path of the project, and the URL I would
want to put into module jar manifests for example would also be the root
URL of the project.

On 07/14/2011 10:03 AM, John Casey wrote:
I'm not 100% sure it should be inherited at all. Inheriting unchanged is
only valid for something like Git, but probably never for SVN. However,
as you point out, Maven's current guess is usually not good enough either.

I'm not sure Maven can reliably fill in an intelligent value for SCM
information, if it's missing from a POM. That leaves a pretty tedious
state of affairs, though.

On 7/14/11 10:57 AM, Paul Gier wrote:
Hi Everyone,

The current behaviour of Maven for a multi-module project is that the
module path will automatically be appended to the end of the scm fields
(connection, url, etc).  This has always seemed like a bug to me since
it not what you would want for a real multi-module project.  The only
case where it is correct is when you have a bunch of small loosely
connected projects (like Maven plugins) and you are using svn.

For a multi-module project using git, this is really annoying because
now I have to set the scm URL for each module separately if I want them
to contain a working URL.  Am I missing some simple configuration?  Or
should we fix this maybe in Maven 3.1 to just inherit the scm
information unmodified instead of trying to be smart about adding module

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John Casey
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