I'm trying to track down the reason that our builds take much longer to
build under 3.0.3 rather than 3.0b1. Under 3.0.3, our build takes around 9
minutes, whereas under 3.0b1, it's 3 minutes and 30 seconds. While using
jconsole, I saw that most of the time (in 3.0.3) is spent inside
DefaultProjectDependenciesResolver.java. So I downloaded the source to both
3.0b1 and 3.0.3 to see what's happening. I noticed that in 3.0.3 there are
two versions of the class. One is in org.apache.maven.project, while the
other is in org.apache.maven. It also appears that in 3.0.3, the former is
being used. While stepping through the code, I saw that bulk of the time is
spent when it reaches this statement:

node = repoSystem.collectDependencies( session, collect ).getRoot();

In 3.0b1, the code does:

ArtifactResolutionResult result = repositorySystem.resolve( request );

I also noticed that respositorySystem is of type RepositorySystem, and the
concrete implementation is LegacyRepositorySystem. I'm assuming that this
was being used while the Maven 3 was in beta until the new implementation
was created? Going back to 3.0.3, the collectDependencies method lives in
DefaultRepositorySystem.java which is part of
org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal. This eventually calls
DefaultDependencyCollector.java which is also part of
org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal. I'm assuming that this is how the
dependency graph is built. My question is if there is a way to make this
process faster? Could there be something wrong in the way we've set up our
dependencies in our project which could cause this process to be so slow?

Or, is this a performance regression? If this is the case, I can open an
Jira issue.

Ruin untold;
And thine own sadness,
Sing in the grass,
When eve has forgot, that no more hear common things that gleam and pass;
But seek alone to lip, sad Rose of love and ruin untold;
And thine own mother
Can know it as I know
More than another
What makes your own sadness,
Set in her eyes.

@a=split(/:/,$s);$j="";foreach$c(@a) {@n=split(//,$c);$j.=$n[0]x$n[1];}
chr(unpack("N",pack("B32",substr("0"x32 .substr($j,$i,8),-32))));}

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