Something what was denounced in the past was the mix of delivery
informations (identity, dependencies, ...) and project informations (build
configuration, build environment, team, ....)
delivery informations are immutable whereas for project informations it
depends. Build configuration used to create the delivery should be inmutable
(I need to be able to reproduce the binaries creation). But some others part
may change over the time. The most frequent is the scm, the project mailing
list ... Even if when the delivery was done with its sources in SCM X (svn
for example) and its support was done on the project mailing list Y (hosted
by sourceforge), when I will want to use the delivery I will want to know
were sources are now (perhaps git) and how to contact its team (perhaps
google groups).
Thus all of that to say that we cannot/shouldn't deny the fact that a
project lives. For some information it is important to have them immutable
while for some others we should provide a mechanism to be able to keep them
up-to-date with the project life.

Note : Yes it doesn't help on the how to do :-)


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 7:16 PM, Benson Margulies <>wrote:

> >>
> >> I am now going to go to the wiki page and add some more thinking about
> >> the use of extensible (e.g. property-set) XML for things like scm.
> >
> > what about existing xml tools for this: namespaces, URNs, etc.?
> Let me do some thinking and writing on the wiki.
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