i see two concerns that need separation.

1. the code that fetches dependencies from wherever they live.

2. the code that computed the dependencies graph.

#1 should be something that is plugable, and in essence could be part of the
repositories definitions... in saying that, i think we need a way to
separate the current project build infrastructure from the fixed information
inherent in tagging the codebase for a release. the projects repositories
and issue tracker, are things which can evolve over time, and having them
fixed in an immutable pom is bad for users. if we can find some way of
fixing that concern then that would be a good thing.

#2 is a different beast. i think forcing the osgi scheme on users is bad for
users. i could be selfish and say that i no longer work for a telecom
company that insists on 5-6 segment version numbers (depends on how you
choose to release as to whether one of those segments applies) but forcing 4
segments on those users is wrong. i don't mind making life a little harder
for people venturing away from maven's opinionated view, but forcing people
to conform to get full functionality is bad for users. where this all fits
in is defining which versions fall within a defined range, and how to choose
a version from within that range.

iirc osgi does allow hinting in regard for which end of the range to favour,
but because of its classloading isolation, there is less of a problem for
osgi. osgi being designed to solve the 2 dependencies needing conflicting
versions of the same dependency problem.

i am more willing to view #2 as being something that we should be looking
into not being plugable, but instead allow hints to the impl to say which
end of the range to favour... closest hint wins (sort of)

however we do need a clear separation between exposing that as a maven api
and whatever code we have solving that graph for us.

- Stephen

Sent from my Android phone, so random spelling mistakes, random nonsense
words and other nonsense are a direct result of using swype to type on the
On 31 Jul 2011 07:41, "Mark Struberg" <strub...@yahoo.de> wrote:

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