Working through one last classpath bug.  After that we could do a release.  
Take a vote earlier to mid next week.


Garvin LeClaire

On Nov 17, 2011, at 4:18 AM, Marco Beelen wrote:

> Hello developers of maven,
> I would like to inform about a possible release of the Maven 2.x FindBugs
> Plugin
> Based upon the inforrmation in Jira all issues scheduled for version 2.3.3
> of this plugin have been fixed.
> One of the fixed issues (
> applies to our environment and therefor I would greatly appreciate a
> release of this plugin.
> The last issue scheduled for this version was fixed on 03/Oct/2011.
> What needs to be done in order to start the release process for this plugin?
> And if there aren't any required actions: Could somebody start the release
> process for this plugin?
> I'm hoping for a 'Release early, release often'
> Recenty I asked the same question about the Maven 2.x PMD Plugin and
> Olivier Lamy was ever so kind to start the release process.
> The issue, which is blocking for us in the Findbugs plugin has the same
> cause as was present in the PMD Plugin (external ruleset as exported by
> Sonar QA Dashboard causes report plugin to fail)
> With kind regards,
>    Marco Beelen
> -- 
> *Marco Beelen*
> Software Architect
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