We also need to do something with the @since-tags
I'm not sure if this doclettag only allows a numberic value, otherwise I'd like to prefix it with plexus-utils.



Op Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:11:55 +0200 schreef Kristian Rosenvold <kristian.rosenv...@gmail.com>:

All the plugin IT's pass with m-s-u trunk now, and I am finshed with all
the stuff I planned to do.

I am well in progress on a replacement for Xpp3Dom. Initially we're just
looking at a compatible replacement
in a different package that can be used as a replacement for 90-95% of the
use cases.

I think we should release "0.9" now or at least very soon, and just give
the Xpp3Dom stuff a couple of extra weeks and we can call that version 1.0


2012/10/15 Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de>

Guys, you rock!

I also like to add my thanks to Stephen as he started the
plexus-utils-commons-bridge over in our sandbox. Without this work we would not have been able to do this so fast. Also a thanks to all guys who helped
importing the stuff they wrote into this module.


----- Original Message -----
> From: Kristian Rosenvold <kristian.rosenv...@gmail.com>
> To: Maven Developers List <dev@maven.apache.org>
> Cc:
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 8:37 AM
> Subject: Re: status update maven-shared-utils
> I have been running m-s-u with the entire maven codebase loaded,
> analyzing all usages
> and deleting any code from m-s-u that is unused in maven. In a couple of
> cases I have also
> modified maven code to use commons code directly so we can avoid some
> in m-s-u.
> We discussed this on IRC and those of us present figured it would be a
> idea to
> keep m-s-u at a minimum and *not* use this as a playground for adding all
> sorts of
> other nifty features we might feel like adding, both now and in the
> (I know this *sounds*
> so good, but it also sounds like wishful thinking ;) I also think it's
> desirable that m-s-u *NOT*
> support any use cases outside maven ;)
> I have in practice migrated "most" of the maven codebase to use m-s-u,
> and
> what remains is basically Xpp3Dom and its close "friends". (So while
> everything in
> org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml is deprecated, that's really only because we
> don't have
> Xpp3Dom yet)
> I only have a few things left before I'm "1.0" ready:
> A) Finish analyzing all the usages so I can trim m-s-u further down. We
> always reinstate code if I delete too much ;)
> B) Make plugin it's run with m-s-u (decent progress has been made here,
> more or less finished)
> C) I am also considering just doing a clean reimplementation of Xpp3Dom
> its companions, realistically it's not that
> many lines of code. Unsure if that is "1.0" material.
> Kristian
> 2012/10/14 Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org>
>>  Hi,
>> Mark, Kristian and I have made some good progress on the Maven Shared
>>  Utils.
>>  The project has now 2 compile-scoped dependencies: commons-io-2.2
>> 1.5 compatible version) and jsr305-2.0.1 (for the support of @Nonnull
>>  @Nullable)
>>  Since we still think that Maven Shared Utils should not have any
>>  dependencies, the commons-io is shaded.
>>  ReaderFactory and WriterFactory now return a Reader or Writer, the
>>  decides which implementation is used. Right now that is commons-io
>> CollectionUtils has been removed, since there is a very small usage of
>>  With generics this class has become useless.
>>  ExceptionUtils is nominated to be removed, since almost every
Exception in
>>  JDK5 can chain exceptions. For the few left we're looking if it is
> worth
>> to keep it here or let does project depend on the original plexus-utils
>>  (different
>>  package, so no class-collision)
>> The whole org.apache.maven.shared.utils.**xml package is nominated to
>>  removed as well, since all its classes are deprecated.
>> We're making heavy usage of generics, varArgs and other JDK5 specific
>>  features.
>>  My opinion is that we need to remove all deprecated code, solve all
>> comments before its first release.(the number of todo's is very small,6
> in
>>  main and 1 in test, and have either to do with method signatures or
>>  <=jdk1.4 issues.)
>> The reason is simple: with a new package this is the best moment to get
>>  rid of some legacy code from the old plexus-utils which had to stay
>>  backwards compatible.
>>  If you think there are other classes/methods which need to be
>>  please let us know.
>>  thanks,
>>  Robert
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