
I've done some more digging into this and have come to the following

1. It is not the ITs that are the problem - it's the building of core

2. The build hangs when using Java 1.5, but succeeds using Java 1.6.

3. I have only verified this on Windows yet.

Forensic report

In build.xml I changed the value of the maven.debug property to "-X" to
see what is happening. The timeout value of the java task inside the
maven-compile target was increased to make sure it was large enough.
Note that it is this timeout that is hit on Jenkins when the builds are

When building with Java 1.5 the build halts between running
maven-remote-resources-plugin:process and
animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.6:check. In the following log output I
have tried upgrading maven-remote-resources-plugin to the latest
version, but that didn't make any difference.

I used this command:
ant.bat -file build.xml -DskipTests=true
-Dmaven.repo.local=G:\ws\m3-its/.repository all

With Java 1.5
     [java] 19:55:50.379 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager - Configuring mojo
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.4:process from
plugin realm
parent: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@4a92e78c]
     [java] 19:55:50.389 [main] DEBUG Sisu - Initialize:
     [java] 19:55:50.419 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class =>
     [java] 19:55:50.539 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Setting property: site.resource.loader.class =>
     [java] 19:55:50.539 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
     [java] 19:55:50.539 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath,site'.
     [java] 19:55:50.539 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Setting property: runtime.log.invalid.references => 'false'.
     [java] 19:55:50.549 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
     [java] 19:55:50.559 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Initializing Velocity, Calling init()...
     [java] 19:55:50.569 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
     [java] 19:55:50.569 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Starting Apache Velocity v1.7 (compiled: 2010-11-19 12:14:37)
     [java] 19:55:50.569 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
RuntimeInstance initializing.
     [java] 19:55:50.569 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Default Properties File:
     [java] 19:55:50.569 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
LogSystem has been deprecated. Please use a LogChute implementation.
     [java] 19:55:50.579 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Default ResourceManager initializing. (class
     [java] 19:55:50.579 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
ResourceLoader instantiated:
     [java] 19:55:50.579 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
ResourceLoader instantiated: org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.SiteResourceLoader
     [java] 19:55:50.599 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
ResourceCache: initialized (class
org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCacheImpl) with class
java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap cache map.
     [java] 19:55:50.599 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Default ResourceManager initialization complete.
     [java] 19:55:50.599 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Stop
     [java] 19:55:50.609 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Define
     [java] 19:55:50.609 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Break
     [java] 19:55:50.609 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Evaluate
     [java] 19:55:50.619 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Literal
     [java] 19:55:50.619 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Macro
     [java] 19:55:50.629 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Parse
     [java] 19:55:50.629 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Include
     [java] 19:55:50.629 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Foreach
     [java] 19:55:50.679 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Created '20' parsers.
     [java] 19:55:50.689 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Velocimacro : initialization starting.
     [java] 19:55:50.689 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Velocimacro : allowInline = true : VMs can be defined inline in templates
     [java] 19:55:50.689 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Velocimacro : allowInlineToOverride = false : VMs defined inline may NOT
replace previous VM definitions
     [java] 19:55:50.689 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Velocimacro : allowInlineLocal = false : VMs defined inline will be
global in scope if allowed.
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Velocimacro : autoload off : VM system will not automatically reload
global library macros
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
Velocimacro : Velocimacro : initialization complete.
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG o.c.p.v.DefaultVelocityComponent -
RuntimeInstance successfully initialized.
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager - Configuring mojo
with basic configurator -->
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) appendedResourcesDirectory =
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) attached = true
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) basedir =
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) encoding = UTF-8
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) excludeTransitive = false
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) includeProjectProperties = false
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) includeScope = runtime
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) localRepository =        id:
     [java]       url: file:///G:/ws/m3-its/.repository/
     [java]    layout: none
     [java] 19:55:50.749 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) outputDirectory =
     [java] 19:55:50.759 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) remoteArtifactRepositories =
[       id: apache.snapshots
     [java]       url: http://repository.apache.org/snapshots
     [java]    layout: default
     [java] snapshots: [enabled => true, update => daily]
     [java]  releases: [enabled => false, update => daily]
     [java] ,        id: central
     [java]       url: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2
     [java]    layout: default
     [java] snapshots: [enabled => false, update => daily]
     [java]  releases: [enabled => true, update => daily]
     [java] ]
     [java] 19:55:50.759 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) resourceBundles =
     [java] 19:55:50.759 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) resources = [Resource
{targetPath: null, filtering: false, FileSet {directory:
G:\apache\maven\git\maven\src\main\resources, PatternSet [includes: {},
excludes: {}]}}]
     [java] 19:55:50.759 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) runOnlyAtExecutionRoot = false
     [java] 19:55:50.759 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) skip = false
     [java] 19:55:50.759 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) useDefaultFilterDelimiters =
     [java] 19:55:50.799 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) mavenSession =
     [java] 19:55:50.799 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) project = MavenProject:
org.apache.maven:maven:3.1-SNAPSHOT @ G:\apache\maven\git\maven\pom.xml
     [java] 19:55:50.799 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager - -- end configuration --
     [java] 19:55:50.799 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.r.r.ProcessRemoteResourcesMojo - Supplemental data models won't
be loaded.  No models specified.
     [java] 19:55:50.829 [main] DEBUG o.a.m.a.r.DefaultArtifactResolver
- org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.1-SNAPSHOT (selected for null)
     [java] 19:55:50.839 [main] DEBUG o.a.m.a.r.DefaultArtifactResolver
-   junit:junit:jar:3.8.2:test (selected for test)

With Java 1.6

     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager - Configuring mojo
with basic configurator -->
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) appendedResourcesDirectory =
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) attached = true
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) basedir =
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) encoding = UTF-8
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) excludeTransitive = false
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) includeProjectProperties = false
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) includeScope = runtime
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) localRepository =        id:
     [java]       url: file:///G:/ws/m3-its/.repository/
     [java]    layout: none
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) outputDirectory =
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) remoteArtifactRepositories =
[       id: apache.snapshots
     [java]       url: http://repository.apache.org/snapshots
     [java]    layout: default
     [java] snapshots: [enabled => true, update => daily]
     [java]  releases: [enabled => false, update => daily]
     [java] ,        id: central
     [java]       url: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2
     [java]    layout: default
     [java] snapshots: [enabled => false, update => daily]
     [java]  releases: [enabled => true, update => daily]
     [java] ]
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) resourceBundles =
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) resources = [Resource
{targetPath: null, filtering: false, FileSet {directory:
urces, PatternSet [includes: {}, excludes: {}]}}]
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) runOnlyAtExecutionRoot = false
     [java] 22:24:15.335 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) skip = false
     [java] 22:24:15.397 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) useDefaultFilterDelimiters =
     [java] 22:24:15.397 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) mavenSession =
     [java] 22:24:15.397 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager -   (f) project = MavenProject:
org.apache.maven:maven:3.1-SNAPSHOT @ G:\apache\maven\git\maven\pom.xml
     [java] 22:24:15.397 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.i.DefaultMavenPluginManager - -- end configuration --
     [java] 22:24:15.397 [main] DEBUG
o.a.m.p.r.r.ProcessRemoteResourcesMojo - Supplemental data models won't
be loaded.  No models specified.
     [java] 22:24:15.428 [main] DEBUG o.a.m.a.r.DefaultArtifactResolver
- org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.1-SNAPSHOT (selected for null)
     [java] 22:24:15.428 [main] DEBUG o.a.m.a.r.DefaultArtifactResolver
-   junit:junit:jar:3.8.2:test (selected for test)
     [java] 22:24:15.553 [main] INFO  o.a.m.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger -
     [java] 22:24:15.553 [main] INFO
o.a.m.cli.event.ExecutionEventLogger - ---
animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.6:check (check-java-1.5-compat) @ maven ---

On 2012-12-16 21:25, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> Igor and I have successfully run the ITs on 1.5. Igor did it on Linux and I 
> did it on OS X. So I think it's some interaction on the CI server. I can't 
> get it to work on Jenkins or Hudson, even with a lot of memory.
> On Dec 16, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Anders Hammar <and...@hammar.net> wrote:
>> The pattern I see is that all jobs that build with JDK 1.5 hangs. This
>> includes the windows node.
>> /Anders
>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Dennis Lundberg <denn...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On 2012-12-14 00:29, Brett Porter wrote:
>>>> On 13/12/2012, at 9:15 PM, Anders Hammar <and...@hammar.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> Also, there's some problems with Jenkins not finding git installation
>>> on
>>>>>>> some nodes. But that's a different topic, but possibly related to the
>>>>>>> upgrade?
>>>>>> If you mean the Windows node, I've already asked about that on
>>>>>> builds@a.o but haven't gotten a reply yet.
>>>>> Git is now found on the windows nodes, so I guess your mail triggered
>>> some
>>>>> action. But we also have the same problem on the solaris nodes. I'll
>>> join
>>>>> the builds list and ask about that.
>>>> I installed it, but understood that Dennis still need to change
>>> something in the build before it would work:
>>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-builds/201212.mbox/%3C50BFBBA6.5010809%40apache.org%3E
>>> I've tried tweaking the Jenkins job on the Windows slave, but without
>>> success. The build fails with this error:
>>> ---
>>> f:\ws\m3-its\maven-3-trunk\build.xml:253: Timeout: killed the sub-process
>>> Total time: 10 minutes 58 seconds
>>> Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
>>> ---
>>> The thing is that I've disabled all the timeouts I can find...
>>> Does anyone have more ideas?
>>> Here's a link to the latest build:
>>> https://builds.apache.org/job/core-it-maven-3-win/294/console
>>>> I see the hanging too... haven't looked into where it gets stuck any
>>> further though. Perhaps it's using an authenticated URL to checkout
>>> additional stuff as part of the bootstrap?
>>>> - Brett
>>>> --
>>>> Brett Porter
>>>> br...@apache.org
>>>> http://brettporter.wordpress.com/
>>>> http://au.linkedin.com/in/brettporter
>>>> http://twitter.com/brettporter
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
>>>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@maven.apache.org
>>> --
>>> Dennis Lundberg
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
>>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@maven.apache.org
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Our achievements speak for themselves. What we have to keep track
> of are our failures, discouragements and doubts. We tend to forget
> the past difficulties, the many false starts, and the painful
> groping. We see our past achievements as the end result of a
> clean forward thrust, and our present difficulties as
> signs of decline and decay.
>  -- Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition

Dennis Lundberg

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@maven.apache.org

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