Thanks Martin. My question was in fact not user-based but
developer-based. I'm developing an alternative JUnit runner for
Lucene/Solr builds and we hit lots of exceptional situations. Permgen
errors are kind of hard to deal with because after you hit it there
are very few recovery options (short of preloading all runner classes
in advance).


On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Martin Gainty <> wrote:
> David
> I was plagued by the same problem yesterday until I shut off forkMode in 
> maven-surefire-plugin e.g.
> <build><plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
> <configuration>
>  <forkMode>never</forkMode></configuration> I also upped the MaxHeap and 
> PermGen params in _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable e.g.
> _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx3192m -XX:MaxPermSize=3192m
> Viel Gluck,
> Martin
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>  > From:
>> Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 09:33:20 +0100
>> Subject: Surefire and low memory conditions
>> To:
>> Hi. Just wanted to ping you because I remember we talked about
>> hardnuts for test runners (like surefire). I've been recently trying
>> to think of a way to shutdown the forked JVM cleanly on permgen/ OOM
>> conditions (and signal it back as such to the controlling process).
>> Seems to be quite hard because various JVMs appear to go crazy
>> themselves when running under low memory.
>> Anyway, out of curiousity I checked with surefire and it seems to hang
>> for me (Windows, 8 core cpu). The code is here.
>> The single-threaded version says the forked VM shut down without
>> saying good bye which seems like a fine resolution to me. This is
>> hardly a "bug" in surefire -- like I mentioned, running anything with
>> exhausted permgen or heap is very unpredictable in Java. Still, I'm
>> curious if you see any workarounds or solutions for the issue.
>> Dawid
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