On Mar 13, 2013, at 3:30 AM, herve.bout...@free.fr wrote:

> I'm on vacation, with weak mobile connexion...
> I'll try m-dependency-tree when back home
> Id You updates m-dependency-p to latest -tree, the hope was it would work 
> without more efforts

It may be something small, but it appears to be an issue at the moment.

> Envoyé depuis mon mobile
> ----- Reply message -----
> De : "Jason van Zyl" <ja...@tesla.io>
> Pour : "Maven Developers List" <dev@maven.apache.org>
> Objet : The next major release of Maven: 4.0.0
> Date : mer., mars 13, 2013 08:00
> I will push the Eclipse Aether work to a branch as there are several ITs that 
> fail that are related to using real plugins in the ITs which are affected by 
> the changes. The dependency plugins and site plugin are the ones that are 
> visible right now. The shade plugin also doesn't work.
> The ITs should probably not be using real plugins, but we can decide what to 
> do once the branch is in.
> Hervé, just a note that I quickly tried the dependency tree with the 
> dependency plugin with Eclipse Aether wired in and it still seems to be 
> breaking. I have a build if you want to try it to see the error messages. I 
> assume what's on master is intended to work with both versions of Aether?
> On Mar 12, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>> I would like if someone would volunteer to do the documentation part of the 
>> release. This will probably be the 3rd time I've merged Eclipse Aether into 
>> Maven and there are a lot of moving parts that need to be tested and frankly 
>> it's starting to burn me out. I don't have time or interest in using the 
>> Subversion-based documentation system so I'd like someone else to do that. 
>> Do we really have no choice in how we publish our site? Checking stuff into 
>> SVN for documentation seems arcane and ridiculous. I don't mind doing the 
>> technical work, I would like someone else to pickup the documentation work 
>> for the release. Can someone help with that?
>> On Mar 11, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>>> Any other comments?
>>> Unless I hear otherwise this week I'll start merging Eclipse Aether into 
>>> master and start a discussion about what that means.
>>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 1:20 AM, Anders Hammar <and...@hammar.net> wrote:
>>>> Personally I would like us to stick with the initial discussion of shipping
>>>> 3.1 with the slf4j usage (and slf4j-simple). That's what we've discussed
>>>> and talked about for some time so it would be great to get that out of the
>>>> door. The we could discuss the next step. Basically, and generally, I'd
>>>> like us to stick to the plans we discuss.
>>>> At the same time I fully appreciate that I'm not doing the work.
>>>> On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Mirko Friedenhagen
>>>> <mfriedenha...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Well at least with Maven 4.0 I would not get the question anymore, why the
>>>>> pom's model version is at 4 while we use Maven 3 ;-).
>>>>> Regards Mirko
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sent from my mobile
>>>>> On Mar 9, 2013 12:15 AM, "Brian Fox" <bri...@infinity.nu> wrote:
>>>>>> I don't think we should move to 4.0 because of this. The primary consumer
>>>>>> of our systems are the end users and this change doesn't represent "api"
>>>>>> breakage to them. If we make what appears to be such a large version
>>>>>> change, that could scare off or confuse people who are just now warming
>>>>> up
>>>>>> to 3.x. I think this does need to be resolved, but lets just call it 3.1
>>>>>> and notify the plugins that need to know directly.
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 6:09 PM, Olivier Lamy <ol...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 2013/3/4 Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr>:
>>>>>>>>> some more personal thoughts and questions to make myself an opinion
>>>>>>>>> - about determining whether Aether API is biased or not: there was
>>>>> an
>>>>>>> argument
>>>>>>>>> for not developing Aether in Maven that was "Aether API will be more
>>>>>>> generic
>>>>>>>>> to cover other dependency resolution mecanisms and repository
>>>>> formats,
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>> P2". Is there something done on this area (be it P2 or anyhting else
>>>>>>> outside
>>>>>>>>> Maven use)?
>>>>>>>>> - about maintaining a 3.1.0 bugfix branch like the actual one in
>>>>>>> parallel with
>>>>>>>>> the master incorporating Eclipse Aether: isn't it the area where the
>>>>>>> git move
>>>>>>>>> was expected to help? The 3.1.0 is just a bugfix branch, without
>>>>> much
>>>>>>> commits
>>>>>>>>> expected since the work will happen on master (and on every
>>>>>>> components/plugins
>>>>>>>>> having an impact from Eclipse Aether integration), or do I miss
>>>>>>> something?
>>>>>>>>> I suppose these outside component will require some time to adapt
>>>>> and
>>>>>>> propose
>>>>>>>>> a solution for users.
>>>>>>>> In such case why not using the opportunity of 4.0.0 to back to a
>>>>>>>> org.apache.maven namespace (with a wrapper on top of the real
>>>>>>>> implementation).
>>>>>>> Go for it. As I wrote previously if anyone wants to make a shim or
>>>>>>> compatibility layer over Eclipse Aether they are welcome too. I'm not
>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>> for all the reasons I cited previously, but feel free to take the
>>>>>>> opportunity.
>>>>>>>> At least that will be a more stable namespace. (If did as it since
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> beginning we could think about something else now !)
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Hervé
>>>>>>>>> Le dimanche 3 mars 2013 19:24:23 Jason van Zyl a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> Stephen,
>>>>>>>>>> It doesn't matter where the code is. It's complicated, takes a lot
>>>>> of
>>>>>>> effort
>>>>>>>>>> to understand and I don't really care, or see it as a problem that
>>>>>>> Benjamin
>>>>>>>>>> is the one who works on it most. No one else worked on here, no one
>>>>>>> else is
>>>>>>>>>> working on it there. It's not where it is, it's that it's a
>>>>>> non-trivial
>>>>>>>>>> body of code that requires focus and effort that any casual
>>>>> observer
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't have the time for. The only people who have ever worked on
>>>>> it
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>> those that were employed to work on it specifically. I don't see
>>>>> this
>>>>>>> as an
>>>>>>>>>> issue, it's simply the way it is.
>>>>>>>>>> Aether is already exposed and it's because the Maven Artifact APIs
>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>> anemic that it's used directly. Aether is complete, anything else
>>>>>> made
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> just going to make a huge wrapper around that which serves no
>>>>> purpose
>>>>>>>>>> really. If in the 18 months since Aether has been at Eclipse
>>>>> nothing
>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>> been done do you really think anything can be made in a timely
>>>>>>> fashion? I
>>>>>>>>>> think that unlikely. There's probably 1000 man hours in Aether at
>>>>>>> least and
>>>>>>>>>> there's probably lots of biases in the codebase because no one
>>>>>>> contributes
>>>>>>>>>> anything to it for all the reasons cited above. Such is the reality
>>>>>> we
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>> right now.
>>>>>>>>>> Until I actually merged in Eclipse Aether, worked with Benjamin to
>>>>>> get
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>> the ITs working, and testing it in the field with 10 or so people I
>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>>>>> know how much work was involved, or what plugins were affected
>>>>> until
>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> started getting feedback. I am not interested in weaving stuff back
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> forth between the branches given that all the ITs work with Eclipse
>>>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>>>>> merged in and there are a few plugin compatibility issues.
>>>>>>>>>> I myself cannot imagine trying to keep the two of those branches in
>>>>>>> sync and
>>>>>>>>>> I don't see the point because the Eclipse Aether stuff is ready. I
>>>>>>> have the
>>>>>>>>>> energy to maintain what I proposed. Even if someone wanted to stand
>>>>>> up
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> maintain the 3.1.x branch I believe it would be a waste of time
>>>>> given
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>> little time the core receives.
>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 5:54 PM, Stephen Connolly
>>>>>>>>> <stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 3 March 2013 14:16, Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> No one seems to object to doing a release with the SLF4J support
>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>> the isolation so I wanted to discuss what happens when we
>>>>> integrate
>>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipse
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aether and suggest an alternate release path.
>>>>>>>>>>>> SLF4J may cause some issues, but the introduction of Eclipse
>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> almost certainly going to cause issues. In Eclipse Aether some
>>>>>>> internal
>>>>>>>>>>>> representations have been changed and it's not completely
>>>>> backward
>>>>>>>>>>>> compatible. These changes have been made for good reason but
>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>> waited almost 18 months to attempt to integrate Eclipse Aether
>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> some drift in the APIs and the Sonatype Aether APIs have leaked
>>>>> out
>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugins like the Android Maven Plugin, the Shade Plugin, the
>>>>>>> Dependency
>>>>>>>>>>>> Plugin and any plugin that reaches into the core of Maven to get
>>>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>>>>>>> classes. Shielding Aether from users hasn't worked out in
>>>>> practice.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have had a version of Tesla[1] that integrates SLF4J and
>>>>> Eclipse
>>>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the ITs pass but I've had many issues with plugins (and with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> latest
>>>>>>>>>>>> JDK8 I need to track down). I've had people using it for a couple
>>>>>>> weeks
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> all of them have run into Aether related issues in one or more of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugins I've mentioned above. I quickly tried to build the new
>>>>>>> dependency
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugin with the dependency tree and it doesn't appear yet to
>>>>> bridge
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> difference between Sonatype Aether and Eclipse Aether in the
>>>>>>> dependency
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugin. I'm not sure this approach will work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I can tell you from the first time we created a shim between
>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Maven Artifact APIs that this was not fun and it took
>>>>> full-time
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>>> for a couple months. I am not willing to do that again and I
>>>>>> honestly
>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt
>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone but myself or Benjamin can do it in a reasonable amount of
>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> neither of us want to do it. I don't think it's the end of the
>>>>>> world
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> some plugins that touch Aether will not work without some
>>>>>> upgrading.
>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>>>> this is a major API breakage and would deserve a major version
>>>>>>> change to
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.0.0. I think it needs to be clear that people know what they
>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially be getting themselves into.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have not formed an opinion yet, but here are some things that
>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>> filtering around in my head w.r.t. this proposal.
>>>>>>>>>>> * When the switch to Aether was originally put forward, the
>>>>> promise
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>> that with Aether at Eclipse there would be a community of people
>>>>> to
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>> the directed dependency graph problem set...
>>>>> http://lh5.ggpht.com/-MY5CB_MVKCo/UQErH7pws-I/AAAAAAAAAK8/WT_zSXWy2eQ/grap
>>>>>>>>>>> h.png?imgmax=800
>>>>>>>>>>> I am seriously worried when I see that *I* am the #3 most active
>>>>>>> committer
>>>>>>>>>>> to Aether at Eclipse, not that I don't believe I could be a
>>>>>>> contributor to
>>>>>>>>>>> Aether, more that I have on two occasions said "OK, Stephen, time
>>>>> to
>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>>>> and get involved with Aether", started trying to get my feet wet
>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>> small tweaks, and then had my spare time stolen again. I.O.W. I
>>>>> have
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> engaged with Aether to the level I feel comfortable with saying
>>>>> *I*
>>>>>>> am a
>>>>>>>>>>> significant contributor...and I (as of 3rd Feb 2012) am the #3
>>>>>>> committer!
>>>>>>>>>>> * OK, so logback has effectively 1 active committer... but a very
>>>>>> long
>>>>>>>>>>> history, and an API that other implementations are available for,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>> the defacto standard. Aether has really only got users because of
>>>>>>> Maven
>>>>>>>>>>> from what I can see, and it's got Benjamin as its developer and
>>>>>>> driver.
>>>>>>>>>>> Now
>>>>>>>>>>> Benjamin knows this space backwards and is great at writing good
>>>>>>> code...
>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>> this is the proposal to resolve the issue of keeping Benjamin's
>>>>>> skills
>>>>>>>>>>> available for Maven, while Benjamin (for perfectly legitimate, if
>>>>>>> outside
>>>>>>>>>>> of the control of the PMC, reasons) does not want to develop code
>>>>> at
>>>>>>> ASF
>>>>>>>>>>> (based on the evidence of not seeing any engagement from Benjamin
>>>>>>> since
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> Board reared its heavy hand), then lets state it as such. But I
>>>>> see
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> the community of logback developers vs the community of aether
>>>>>>> developers
>>>>>>>>>>> are a different kettle of fish. If we tie ourselves now to the
>>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>> API,
>>>>>>>>>>> we make it hard to move to an alternative implementation. If there
>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>>>> competing implementations of the Aether API I would be happy to
>>>>> say
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> the API is robust and there has been true separation of API from
>>>>>>>>>>> Implementation. In this case we have and API with one and only one
>>>>>>>>>>> implementation, it may or may not have true separation of API from
>>>>>>>>>>> Implementation, but without having been hardened by having a
>>>>> second
>>>>>>>>>>> implementation, it is hard to know for sure. There may be design
>>>>>>> biases
>>>>>>>>>>> based on the views of the implementers.
>>>>>>>>>>> I guess my point is that I would need to be convinced some more
>>>>> that
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>> would not be baking an API with biases into the core of Maven.
>>>>> Right
>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>> have the case where a few plugins have leaked dependencies to
>>>>>> Sonatype
>>>>>>>>>>> Aether, the Maven developer view has been that plugin authors
>>>>> should
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>> that, but obviously some have, in so doing they should have been
>>>>>>> aware of
>>>>>>>>>>> the risk they take in using APIs that Maven is not saying are part
>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> exported hull.
>>>>>>>>>>> Having said that, nobody else has stood up to say "oh I have an
>>>>>>>>>>> alternative
>>>>>>>>>>> for Aether" so we cannot propose an alternative at this point, and
>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> point out, there is a need for some of the information to be
>>>>> exposed
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> plugins (heck versions-maven-plugin needs some of that stuff, and
>>>>> I
>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>> how difficult it is to maintain functionality across 2.x and 3.x
>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>> v-m-p)
>>>>>>>>>>> so we need to tell plugin authors here is the API you can rely on.
>>>>>> So
>>>>>>> I am
>>>>>>>>>>> currently feeling negative towards using Eclipse Aether as that
>>>>> API,
>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>>>> have no alternative, and I don't have the time to write the shim
>>>>>> layer
>>>>>>>>>>> myself, so this is not a veto point... just a sore one.
>>>>>>>>>>> * John Casey was looking at writing an alternative for Aether. I
>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>> really like to hear his input w.r.t. how he has got on, and also
>>>>> how
>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>> the Aether API has abstracted the problem (given that he would
>>>>> have
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> view point of an independent implementation in this problem
>>>>> space).
>>>>>>> *If*
>>>>>>>>>>> John has a nearly complete implementation of his API for
>>>>> dependency
>>>>>>> graph
>>>>>>>>>>> solving, what I would like to see is how difficult it would be to
>>>>>> map
>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>> API as an alternative Aether implementation I.O.W. test how well
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>>>>>> API abstraction is, and test if there are hidden biases that the
>>>>>>>>>>> architects
>>>>>>>>>>> of the API cannot see by nature of writing their implementation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As such I believe doing a 3.0.5 release, and then a 3.0.6 release
>>>>>>> (to fix
>>>>>>>>>>>> the problem with 3.0.5), a 3.1.0 release for SLF4J and then a
>>>>> 4.0.0
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipse Aether changes is just going to confuse users greatly. I
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>> prefer to roll in the Eclipse Aether changes and skip the 3.1.0
>>>>>>> release
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> just call it a 4.0.0.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think we have said we were going to do a 3.1.0. To be honest
>>>>> this
>>>>>>> smacks
>>>>>>>>>>> a bit too much of the 3.0 rational again... I fear that given we
>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>>>>>> that we were going to do a 3.1.0, let's stick with that. It gives
>>>>>> us a
>>>>>>>>>>> little bit more time to digest whether we should bite Eclipse's
>>>>>>> Aether as
>>>>>>>>>>> an exposed API or whether we should shim it.
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not, given how little time I have to commit code for Maven,
>>>>>>> going to
>>>>>>>>>>> direct the decision, but that is my view. I will let the people
>>>>> who
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>> willing to step up and commit drive what versions they want to
>>>>>>> release.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would just like to move on and start developing some features.
>>>>>>> Trying
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> create adapter layers and shims is just going to kill us. I think
>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>> just cut bait because there is no desire amongst the people who
>>>>> can
>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> shim that have time (myself, Benjamin, Igor) and I doubt Hervé or
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kristian
>>>>>>>>>>>> really have the time to make a complete shim between the versions
>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aether. The few points that people are calling into Aether
>>>>>>> essentially
>>>>>>>>>>>> expose the whole API so the shim needed will be enormous given
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>>>> name changes and the API changes in Aether. It will be very much
>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>> bridge Aether and Maven Artifact APIs and that simply isn't
>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> would ever have been done without full-time work and I just don't
>>>>>>> deem
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> a worthy investment this time.
>>>>>>>>>>> I take your point on board, I just don't have a warm and fuzzy
>>>>>> feeling
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> the API of Aether has no design biases that may preclude some of
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> features that others (such as myself when I *do* get the time)
>>>>> would
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>> to add.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So I propose rolling in the Eclipse Aether changes along with the
>>>>>>> JSR330
>>>>>>>>>>>> and SLF4J changes and call it 4.0.0. Also I feel that any hiding
>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aether at this point has been a failure. Everyone is jumping
>>>>> around
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maven Artifact APIs because they need to get at more powerful
>>>>>>> constructs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This hiding of Aether in practice has been futile and no one is
>>>>>> every
>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>> to make another artifact API in Maven, it's just not going to
>>>>>> happen
>>>>>>>>>>>> let's
>>>>>>>>>>>> face it.
>>>>>>>>>>> John, could you please chim in with some status information on
>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>> explorations
>>>>>>>>>>>> Once Eclipse Aether 1.0.0 is released given the Eclipse standards
>>>>>>> the API
>>>>>>>>>>>> will have to remain compatible. I believe all the changes in
>>>>> Aether
>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the last 18 months have been worthwhile and there's no point to
>>>>>>> unwind
>>>>>>>>>>>> anything to try and make it work with Sonatype Aether.
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't want Sonatype Aether as the API plugins depend on, so we
>>>>> do
>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> decouple that from people trying to solve the problem. I don't
>>>>> know
>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>>>>>> that Eclipse Aether is an API that is the API we want to
>>>>> expose... I
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> saying it isn't, just saying that I don't know it is... yet
>>>>>>>>>>>> If we agree on this then I will roll in all the changes, figure
>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>>> what's
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong with JDK8 and then we release it. The ITs pass and we'll
>>>>> just
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> help people adapt their plugins. I talked to Manfred Moser who
>>>>>> works
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Android Maven plugin and he doesn't see an issue with updating.
>>>>>> We'll
>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>> have to update the rest of the plugins or we'll be spending
>>>>> months
>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>>>>>> to make a shim or a magic classloader and I'm not sure it's
>>>>> really
>>>>>>> worth
>>>>>>>>>>>> it. I think it's time to move on with our better core and just
>>>>> move
>>>>>>> on in
>>>>>>>>>>>> general.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think people need to digest this and think about it, but I do
>>>>>>> believe
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> is the most practical way forward.
>>>>>>>>>>>> SLF4J I consider standard,
>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing wrong with that view from my PoV. Multiple
>>>>> implementations,
>>>>>>> ok so
>>>>>>>>>>> the 3 real implementations share the same root author as original
>>>>>>>>>>> architect, but there are separate communities and the API has been
>>>>>>> battle
>>>>>>>>>>> hardened for some time. I might quibble with one or two parts of
>>>>>>> SLF4J,
>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>> it has a massive community and it is the defacto standard.
>>>>>>>>>>>> JSR330 is standard
>>>>>>>>>>> More than one implementation, the two major implementations have
>>>>>>>>>>> completely
>>>>>>>>>>> different heritages, again, one may quibble with parts of the API,
>>>>>>> but it
>>>>>>>>>>> is able to have two big implementations stand on top of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> and Eclipse Aether post 1.0.0 will adhere to the Eclipse API
>>>>>>> guidelines
>>>>>>>>>>>> and won't be changing
>>>>>>>>>>> But that is a different metric than the other two technologies.
>>>>> Yes
>>>>>>> it is
>>>>>>>>>>> better to use this than Sonatype Aether (which since the move to
>>>>>>> Eclipse
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> effectively a dead stack... but that was the point of *moving* it
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipse) but that does not prove (in the original sense of "test")
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> API is absent of biases.
>>>>>>>>>>> SLF4J is tackling a smallish problem, so biases are easy to spot.
>>>>>>>>>>> JSR330 is tacking a problem, to my view, comparable in size to
>>>>>>> Aether, yet
>>>>>>>>>>> it had two major heavyweight implementations collaborate/fight to
>>>>>>> build a
>>>>>>>>>>> common API. As such a lot of the biases will have been shaken
>>>>> out...
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>> will still be biases, but there is enough scope between the two
>>>>>> major
>>>>>>>>>>> implementations for a 3rd implementation to arise, innovate and
>>>>>> steal
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> crown. How likely is it that a competing implementation could
>>>>> arise
>>>>>>> and do
>>>>>>>>>>> that with Aether's API?
>>>>>>>>>>>> so it's best just to build on these technologies of any new
>>>>>> versions
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maven and get on with it.
>>>>>>>>>>> SLF4J, you have my +1
>>>>>>>>>>> JSR330, you have my +1
>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipse Aether...
>>>>>>>>>>> * I am +1 on integrating that into Maven,
>>>>>>>>>>> * I am _undecided_ on officially exposing it as an API for plugin
>>>>>>>>>>> developers.
>>>>>>>>>>> I look forward to the debate of those who have the spare time and
>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>> prepared to walk the walk and commit code on my points above to
>>>>> sway
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>> opinion.
>>>>>>>>>>> -Stephen
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]: http://ci.tesla.io:8080/job/tesla-its/ws/
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jason van Zyl
>>>>>>>>>>>> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
>>>>>>>>>>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
>>>>>>>>>>>> and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in
>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Jason van Zyl
>>>>>>>>>> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
>>>>>>>>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>>>>>>>>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
>>>>>>>>>> and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
>>>>>>>>>> -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Olivier Lamy
>>>>>>>> Talend: http://coders.talend.com
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>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Jason van Zyl
>>>>>>> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
>>>>>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>>>>>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I
>>>>> have
>>>>>>> no respect.
>>>>>>> -- Edward Gibbon
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jason
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Jason van Zyl
>>> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> Selfish deeds are the shortest path to self destruction.
>>> -- The Seven Samuari, Akira Kurosawa
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Jason van Zyl
>> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral 
>> philosophy; that is, 
>> the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
>> -- John Kenneth Galbraith
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral 
> philosophy; that is, 
> the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
> -- John Kenneth Galbraith



Jason van Zyl
Founder & CTO, Sonatype
Founder,  Apache Maven

A man enjoys his work when he understands the whole and when he
is responsible for the quality of the whole

 -- Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language

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