What do we currently do for plugins?
What do we currently do for core?
Is there in difference in the approach taken?

We call for a vot for vX.Y.Z of <arbitrary plugin> (plugins's [recently at
least] do not appear to go throught he beta/RC phases).

Can someone please spell out a sequence of events (by time) as to what
happens through the entire process? From prep to vote to ending up in

And the same sequnce, but for a failed vote, and it's revoting (we've used
the same version no again, here, have we not?)


On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:11 AM, Fred Cooke <fred.co...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > -1 for actual releases: it would create more mess imo for end users if
> > there's many bizarre jumps in numbering
> The thing with this argument is that it's very, very weak. If a missed
> version confuses a user, they're basically brain-dead. Assuming your users
> are brain dead is _always_ dangerous. Assuming the users or a _development_
> tool are brain-dead is that in and of itself IMO.
> A random example from central that I gave to Robert earlier:
> http://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g%3A%22antlr%22%20AND%20a%3A%22antlr%22
> I don't know about the rest of you... but I'm not confused by the absence
> of 2.7.3 in any way shape or form. I'm additionally not confused by the
> absence of 2.7.8, 2.7.9, 2.7.10, etc, nor 2.8.* nor 2.9.* It's meaningless
> to me that they're absent. I use and test a version (usually latest) and
> verify it functions adequately for my needs, then I depend on it (dep or
> plugin equally) and that's it. If I find a flaw, or need to use a new
> feature, then I can go looking for the best version that is compatible with
> my setup, that contains it (again, likely latest, API change not
> withstanding).
> Being worried about developers being confused by a non-sequential set of
> binaries to choose from is bizarre at best. Developers, even the bad ones,
> are generally a fairly intelligent bunch.
> This is not winamp! :-p (nor VLC)
> Fred.

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