Master stores a cache of completed tasks. Currently the cache capacity
(MAX_COMPLETED_TASKS_PER_FRAMEWORK) is set to 1000 though we could make it
could make it configurable.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Sharma Podila <> wrote:

> I see that master/state.json has state information on frameworks, where
> in, it has a list of all completed_tasks. Each task seems to be about 500
> bytes.
> Does the master have a list of all completed tasks for the framework?
> Thinking naively about it, does it mean that if I were to run, say, 100K
> tasks a day, we have 50MBytes of data in there? In 3 weeks that's a GB.
> Which by itself maybe OK, but not if it grows indefinitely.
> Is that a cause for concern? Or, is that an incorrect extrapolation? Is
> there some kind of purging that happens on tasks that completed a while ago?
> Sharma

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