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(Updated July 31, 2014, 11:23 p.m.)

Review request for mesos and Ben Mahler.


Split the the test into two and removed the part that waits several seconds for 
ZooKeeperTestServer to expire the session which is unnecessary to test the 
detector and slows down the test.

Summary (updated)

Fixed a flaky test: ZooKeeperTest.LeaderDetectorTimeoutHandling

Bugs: MESOS-1655

Repository: mesos-git

Description (updated)

Fixed a flaky test: ZooKeeperTest.LeaderDetectorTimeoutHandling

- The original ZK session timeout was the same as AWAIT_READY timeout so it's 
possible that AWAIT_READY timed out in a race.
- Split the the test into two and removed the part that waits several seconds 
for ZooKeeperTestServer to expire the session which is unnecessary to test the 
detector and slows down the test.

Diffs (updated)

  src/tests/zookeeper_tests.cpp be9fa06818b96e5170c68810fe16cc472f1f8b28 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/24123/diff/

Testing (updated)

Ran the test for 2000 iterations.


Jiang Yan Xu

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