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(Updated Sept. 18, 2014, 3:02 p.m.)

Review request for mesos.

Repository: mesos-git

Description (updated)

Force git log to never emit colored output (for setups with colored output 
enabled by default).

For example, the command "git --no-pager log --pretty=oneline --reverse 
master..HEAD" should generate output similiar to the following:
fa7e46cfc228e9f80e08d7c28a978d561fbba5a7 post-reviews.py: added --no-color to 
git log. - For setups that have colored output for git log.

However, in a setup where git emits colored output, the raw output would look 
like the following:
^[[33mfa7e46cfc228e9f80e08d7c28a978d561fbba5a7^[[m post-reviews.py: added 
--no-color to git log. - For setups that have colored output for git log.

The parser in post-review.py then picks 
'`^[[33mfa7e46cfc228e9f80e08d7c28a978d561fbba5a7^[[m`' as the sha and crashes.

The '--no-color' flag forces git to never emit colored output.


  support/post-reviews.py ee27bb8119b4992d5533d09de260b4668b9d6b3e 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/25756/diff/


Created this review request using the updated script.


Kapil Arya

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